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Aiming Economic Growth at 5.4% in 2018, Can Indonesia?

source: liputansulbar.com

By: Moch. Irfandi)*

The government, through a state address delivered by President Joko Widodo related to the Draft State Budget of 2018, government economic securities grew 5.4% next year. Is the target realistic?

According to Executive Director of Economic and Financial Development Agency (INDEF) Enny Sri Hartati, 2018 will be the year of proof for the government to achieve the growth target.

Enny said, it needs acceleration so that the government can achieve the target of 5.4% growth. This acceleration is not about how to increase revenue through tax optimization. Needed to make love again from the government so that the economy can grow without pressure from the taxation side.

Meanwhile, Bank Mandiri economist Andry Asmoro added that the growth target is quite credible. The 5.4% figure is more realistic than the previous government target that ranges from 5.4 to 6.1%.

Andry reminded, the government must maintain people’s purchasing power to achieve the 5.4% growth target. The reason, household consumption is still a major contributor to economic growth. One of the challenges next year is that weather conditions are predicted to be no better than this year. In addition, inflation is also important to note that people’s purchasing power is maintained.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Agus Martowardojo, broadly welcomed the principles of the RAPBN 2018. However, BI has slightly different views on economic growth next year.

BI percent economic growth Indonesia next year is at the level of 5.1-5.5% with a median of 5.3%. In addition, the prevailing oil price at the level of US $ 48 per barrel, oil prices above the level of US $ 52 per barrel. This number is higher than.

The government’s plan to provide targeted subsidies is also well by BI. If this step can be done by the government then it will provide benefits of a larger subsidy.

From the investor side, capital market players still respond positively to the target read by Jokowi in the DPR building. The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) closed skyrocketed 0.98% or 56.9 points to 5,891.94.

According to Head of Research Reliance Securities Robertus Yanuar Hardy, market participants still welcome positive target set by the government. According to him the target is still possible to achieve.

Meanwhile, Binaartha Sekuritas analyst Reza Priyambada said the target was too optimistic. It needs improvement efforts in all areas to achieve those targets. Although he thinks this market is still positive.

Looking at various points of view, it is necessary for the government to be optimistic in terms of economic growth figures but must remain realistic. In terms of the various government-flagged sectors to achieve 5.4% economic growth.

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