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AMN Realizes Equal and Quality Access to Higher Education


Manado – The government continues to strive for more equitable access to higher education for all young people in Indonesia, including those in remote areas of the country. One of the strategic initiatives being promoted is the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN). The existence of AMN can provide comprehensive access to higher education and facilitate the development of the potential of Indonesia’s younger generation.

The Deputy for Human Development, Society, and Culture of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Amich Alhumami, emphasized the importance of justice and equitable access to education to optimize the potential of young people in Indonesia.

“The government has guaranteed fair and equal access to education. This justice is key to addressing the challenges in the education sector in Indonesia,” said Amich.

AMN is expected to be a solution to the challenges of access to education. With the presence of AMN, the government is striving to ensure that all young people, including those from remote areas, can access quality higher education.

In addition to being a place of residence, AMN is also designed as a social, intellectual, and entrepreneurial laboratory for students from various regions. This was stated by the Secretary of the Provincial Government of North Sulawesi, Steve HA Kepel.

“Education is a shared responsibility. The success of AMN as a flagship program of the government needs to be continuously monitored. AMN is not just a dormitory, but also a platform for the development of character and the potential of young people,” Steve stated.

The Director of Strategic Infrastructure at the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Ir. Essy Asiah, also highlighted the role of AMN in strengthening unity among students from diverse backgrounds.

“AMN is capable of being a platform to unite students from various ethnicities, languages, and cultures in Indonesia. This is a direct directive from President Joko Widodo to prepare quality and integrity-driven human resources,” said Essy.

With the presence of AMN, it is hoped that the younger generation of Indonesia will become more open in pursuing their dreams and aspirations, and will be able to contribute more significantly to the nation’s development. The government remains committed to supporting this initiative as part of efforts to build superior and character-driven human resources. (*)

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