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Asrama Student Nusantara, a student unifier from different corners of Indonesia


Manado – The Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) is back at the centre of attention as a symbol of Indonesian unity and diversity. AMN is home to hundreds of students from all corners of Indonesia. In Manado, AMN is expected to be a centre of unity and character development of the young generation that navigates higher education at various universities in the city of Manado and its surroundings.

Unsrat Manado’s academic director, William Pangemanan, said that Manado fully supported the existence of the Manado AMN.

“The management of the hostel has been handed over to Unsrat Manado with the preparation of a compulsory student curriculum completed within a period of 2 years (4 semesters),” said William.

Besides, furthermore, in the process of managing the AMN Manado is planned to be constructed against the inhabitants.

“Unsrat Manado has also conducted a visit to the site of AMN Manado to see the progress of Development,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Head of Higher Education Financing Chamber of Kemdikbudristek RI, Anton Rahmadi, mentioned that based on the results of a joint meeting of the Pokja AMN State Intelligence Agency (BIN), there are two things that need to be the attention in the selection process.

“What needs to be prioritized is related to NKRI National Perspective and Humiliation,” Anton said.

To be known, the construction of the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) Manado, is a form of follow-up to the RI President’s Directive at the time of the inauguration of the creation of works in Manado (North Sulawesi).

In addition to the BG and PP no. 16/2021, the General Road for the construction of the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) is based on Presidential Regulations (Perpres) No. 106 of 2021.

Previously, the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) was built in the city of Pahlawan Surabaya. Various activities and achievements have been achieved by the students of AMN building this BIN.

A student of AMN Surabaya from the State University of Surabaya, succeeded in becoming a representative to bring science to Vietnam. Princess Maria Christian, of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, was selected as one of the recipients of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholarship program.

The Executive Director of the Nusantara Surabhavian Student Hall expressed his gratitude for the achievements of Maria Putri.

“This is proof that the students of the Nusantara Surabhavian Students’ Hall are able to compete at the international level. We hope that this achievement can motivate other students to continue to perform and honor the name of the nation”, said Dr. Bambang S. Irianto, SH., M. Hum., m.Tr.Hanla., CPL., CPCLE., C.Fr.A.

One of the objectives of AMN’s presence is to facilitate academic and non-academic activities that can develop the potential and skills of students in a comprehensive way, as well as strengthen the relationship between students from different cultural backgrounds, thereby enhancing the sense of unity and unity among Nusantara students. [-red]

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