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Batik Sampit More Interested by Community

Batik Sampit which is typical of Kotawaringin Timur Regency batik, Central Kalimantan is increasingly sought after in public because his motives are very attractive and easier in creation.
Batik Sampit which is typical of Kotawaringin Timur Regency batik, Central Kalimantan is increasingly sought after in public because his motives are very attractive and easier in creation.

By: Choirul Fuadi

CIDISS – Batik Sampit which is typical of Kotawaringin Timur Regency batik, Central Kalimantan is increasingly sought after in public because his motives are very attractive and easier in creation.

“The more love the batik Sampit. There are several motives which are already patentable i.e. motif of gayung birang, anggrek tewu (tewu orchid), ikan jelawat (jelawat fish) and karamunting, “said Renggana Dwi Putra, one of the lovers of batik Sampit..

Beside it used on a certain day by a civil servant, is now the general public more love batik Sampit. The motives did indeed show an icon area like orchids or orchids tewu , Jelawat fish , and others, batik Sampit is now continue to be developed.

Batik Sampit was launched by Regent H Supian Hadi when Sampit Expo 2013. Supian even get involved directly in the development of batik motif Sampit and that was demonstrated through the creation of batik shirts Sampit that often he wore while attending various events up to now.

The local Government also continues to support the promotion of batik Sampit, one of them by supporting the existence of the batik stalls Sampit.

In addition to the wonderful and exciting batik motifs, Sampit is known to also have meaning. Batik Sampit also symbolizes the personality of the local communities in this area. From the synopsis made Sanggar Seni Habaring Hurung Sampit explained, batik motif on Sampit is the result of a merger between the motives of motif gayung birang for a meaningful splashes scattered gold and motif anggrek tewu atau anggrek tebu.

Both these motifs derived from nature, especially the anggrek tebu (orchid cane) that is a kind of fern plants that can live and thrive in tropical forests. Types of this orchids grow wild in the forests of the Inland northern areas like Antang Kalang district and Kuala Kuayan, while splashes of gold is a gold image of the result of the effort of the community upstream in the area of mining or panning for gold. These plants can grow anywhere on any type of soil and the Orchid cane can also be attached to the plant anything without interfering with other plants as well as loran thus.

After growing sugar cane, orchids will be larger and more dominant than other plants around it. After flowering, the Orchid will provide beauty of nature surrounding it. It is this philosophy that was taken with the expectation of the community of Kotawaringin Timur can also continue to grow like the Orchid cane. Could live together or side by side without interfering with other people and will be the most advanced district among other counties in Central Kalimantan.

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