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Collect Ministers, Jokowi Discuss Formulation of 5-Day School Regulation


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) summoned a number of ministers to the Palace this morning, July 18, 2017. Apparently the meeting discussed the drafting of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) governing the implementation of character education in schools or often mentioned as ‘school 5 days’.

Menag Lukman Hakim Saifuddin after a meeting at the State Palace, Jl Veteran, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (18/07/2017) said the President invited us to discuss the follow-up of Permendikbud about character education and then poured into the Presidential Regulation. So we are preparing the draft Presidential Regulation related to strengthening the character.

In the meeting there is also PMK Coordinator Puan Maharani and Education Minister Muhadjir Effendy. The meeting lasted approximately 75 minutes.

Puan was lined up to coordinate the drafting of the Presidential Regulation. But Lukman cannot confirm when the Presidential Regulation will be published.

Lukman said that the Presidential Regulation is being prepared later will be brought Kemenko PMK certainly with the invited all stakeholders of the stakeholders of Islamic organizations that many who manage educational institutions. Regarding the term, Lukman emphasized that ‘character education’ will be highlighted. About the number of hours of study had not been discussed further.

Lukman also pointed out that the point is how character education as Nawacita is more advanced in relation to values ​​of integrity, religiosity, nationalism, self-reliance and mutual assistance that need to be emphasized to all our students.

The government is expected to consider carefully the policy because it concerns the future of students and the Indonesian nation. And also expected the world of education must be ready to accept a better change for Indonesia in the future.

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