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Development of Papua Needs a Safe Situation


By : Saby Kossay )*

Development in Papua is carried out by the central government and regional governments on a massive basis. To succeed in accelerating development, a safe situation is needed, without any threats from separatist groups. Therefore the TNI and Polri are working hard to maintain security by eradicating the Terrorist Separatist Group (KST), so that they do not hinder development on Cendrawasih Earth.

The government is very aggressively developing Papua, especially its infrastructure. The goal of massive development is to prosper the people and facilitate their mobility. There are many other benefits from infrastructure development and all for the sake of the people of Cendrawasih. The people are also happy because in the era of President Jokowi’s government, they are very well cared for.

The acceleration of development in Papua will still be threatened by the existence of the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST). They are known for their atrocities and do not hesitate to commit atrocities, both to officials and civilians. 

KST must be eradicated because it sabotages infrastructure development in Papua. Infrastructure development is urgently needed, to support people’s mobility and at the same time improve the welfare of citizens in Cendrawasih Land. However, KST always attacks indiscriminately and harms the Papuan people.

Puncak Regent Willem Wandik SE, M.Si feels the difference in the security situation during his current leadership and the previous period. In the first period the security situation in the Puncak Regency area was conducive, so that he as regent was free without fear of developing his area. During that period he felt that the government was running well, this was proven by the various work programs that had been successfully realized.

Willem also explained that development in Puncak Regency could run well if security conditions were conducive. Therefore, he hopes that this year good communication can be established between all elements of society in Puncak, including the TNI/Polri, tribal chiefs, village heads, and the DPRD, so that it is safe and thus development can be carried out properly.

According to him, the government is here to build so that the people of Puncak can come out of backwardness and isolation. However, it is unfortunate that at this time his party cannot do much because the security conditions are not conducive. He also prayed that Puncak Regency would be safe, a sense of security is expensive, if the situation is peaceful and safe the government can build it properly.

Head of the University of Indonesia’s Terrorism Study Program Muhammad Syauqillah assessed that the series of terror acts by armed criminal groups would continue to hinder the development of people’s welfare in Papua. Even though the people need to see what the future of Papua’s development will be like in the future. If for example there are continuous conflicts like this, the Papuan people will experience obstacles in developing their territory. 

Syauqillah continued, these conditions have added to the urgency of handling the KST problem, especially in the midst of the government’s incessant infrastructure development for the welfare of Papua. The acts of terror launched by the KKB are not in line with the development framework of Papua which is actually intended for the Papuan people themselves.

This means that when development stalls, in the long term it will have an impact on the welfare of the Papuan people. For example, access roads from one region to another. At least the Papuan people, with the acts of violence that occurred in Papua, are of course the Papuan people who are affected. The Papuan people or anyone in Papua will be negatively affected.

The KST terror is hindering development in Papua and they are getting more and more violent, and are also threatening workers on the Trans Papua Road to the point of being scared. Finally, in order to finish the project quickly, the workers were escorted by security forces. This road is not completely finished and the KST attack is hampering the construction of important infrastructure in Papua.

Even though the Trans Papua Road is very important for the mobility of the Papuan people, and must be completed until 100% finished. If there is a KST attack, the construction will be unscheduled and detrimental, and the funds needed will be even greater. Both the government and the Papuan people will be harmed by KST.

Arresting KST is a mandatory agenda for security forces in Papua, because they hinder development. Officials stand guard for the safety of the people and workers, so that the infrastructure development process is on time.  

KST also hindered development in the field of education, because they shot teachers and burned school buildings. In fact, if there is no education, the future of Papuan children can be bleak. They are clearly wrong because education is very important, so that indigenous Papuans can continue to progress and be more prosperous because they have a high degree.

I really can’t understand why KST hinders development? In fact, if there is infrastructure development, it is the people who enjoy the facilities. It’s really strange when they accuse Indonesia of colonizing Papua, because if it colonizes of course there won’t be any representative bridges and highways.

Papua’s development is carried out massively and aims to advance the people of Cenderawasih Earth. However, there is potential for disruption in development projects by KST. Therefore, these separatist groups must be eradicated so that development in Papua runs smoothly.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta 

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