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Papua new autonomous region accelerates settlement of human rights violations 


By: Ixtusya Engresya )*

New Autonomous Region (DOB) is able to accelerate the settlement of human rights violations in Papua. The reason is because there are more local government offices so that it is easier for the community to report if there are violations of human rights (HAM). 

The addition of the new autonomous region has brought positive winds of change for the people of Papua. Not only physical development but also solving various problems such as the economy. Social problems such as human rights violations can also be resolved after there are 4 new autonomous regions on Earth of Cendrawasih.

Chairman of the Papua Deliberative Body (Bamus) Willem Frans Ansanay appreciated the formation of the new autonomous regions in Papua, and said that the new autonomous regions would facilitate the handling of cases of human rights violations. If in the past it was very difficult to follow the resolution of human rights violations, the tangled threads were too complicated; now with new autonomous regions, the span of bureaucratic control is shortened and public services are maximized.

In a sense, the addition of provinces has many positive impacts, including a shortened span of government control. When there are new provinces, local government buildings are built. The building is not just a building, but is used for community services, as well as to address human rights violations in Papua.

Willem Frans continued, he believed that the accelerated development that was being intensified by the government would make the future of Papua better and generate many new hopes in the area. Then, the problem of human rights violations in Papua must refer to Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Violations that can occur against the rights of other people, both individuals, groups and institutions.

One of the things that causes human rights violations is the issue of Papua, which was formerly known as West Irian. In fact, this problem has been resolved and Papua is fully part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Papua is a legal part of Indonesia, both according to national and international law, because the entire territory of the Dutch East Indies (former Dutch colony) automatically becomes Indonesian territory.

Willem continued, if there is still disappointment that erupts and spreads to desires that are not in line with the goals of the nation and state, then this is what sometimes creates human rights violations whether intentional or not, both individuals and groups.

In a sense, disappointment was expressed by means of violence and the main perpetrator was KST (Separatist and Terrorist Group). They carried out attacks, both on Papuans and security forces. KST became a common enemy because they committed violence for no reason, and if they were caught they said those who were attacked were spies from the security forces, even though they were just ordinary citizens.

KST is the heaviest human rights violator in Papua, therefore it must be eradicated. Member of Commission I DPR RI Yan Permenas Mandenas stated that the violence perpetrated by KST was a violation of human rights, moreover many of the victims were civilians. Murder, for whatever reason, cannot be justified. If a KST member is caught, a maximum sentence of life is expected, as a result of their actions.

Yan Permenas himself, who is also an indigenous Papuan (OAP), does not like to see the existence of KST, because they always spread hatred and terrorize the community. This shows that the people in Bumi Cendrawasih themselves do not agree with KST’s actions, because they are barbaric and are causing chaos in Papua.

KST also threw tantrums by attacking residents and causing casualties. The attack carried out by KST violated human rights because they shot (with illegal firearms), killed other people with arrows, and even made OAP a living shield when attacking security forces.

When there was an attack, the residents fled to another place that was safer, so they wouldn’t be hit by KST’s fury. Meanwhile, the apparatus continues to trace where the KST headquarters are, to chase them straight to their lair. They have several bases whose whereabouts are being traced, so that KST members can be caught quickly.

The human rights violations committed by KST were very serious because they took the lives of other people, therefore the community agreed that human rights were upheld by eradicating KST. One way to overcome KST is to increase the number of security forces in Papua. Apart from tackling KST, it is also to protect the people so that the situation is always safe.

Therefore when there are 4 new autonomous regions, not only government buildings, roads, schools, etc. will be built. But also the headquarters of officers such as KODAM (Regional Military Command) and Polda (Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia). With the Polda building, KODAM, and the addition of officers, it will eradicate KST while preventing human rights violations in Papua.

Currently there are 4 new autonomous regions in Papua, namely Southwest Papua, South Papua, Central Papua and Highlands Papua. The addition of new autonomous regions is very useful, one of which is to accelerate the resolution of human rights cases in Papua, because the bureaucracy is made easier and faster. Apart from that, Papua is increasingly safe from human rights violations by KST because there are 4 KODAMs and a new Regional Police.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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