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Post 2019 Election: Realizing Harmony in the National Brotherhood


By: M. Irfandi

Right on April 17, 2019, Indonesia has held a Presidential Election, Republic of Indonesia Parliament, Republic of Indonesia Regional Representative Council, Provincial DPRD, Regency / City DPRD, which will in fact be the determinant of the pace of Indonesia’s future. At this moment we should strengthen each other. Because this is a form of strong solidarity with the world, that Indonesia is peaceful and reconciling. With such behavior does not rule out the possibility of actual peace. Also, of course the creation of a leader who is trustworthy and good in managing the country is also in accordance with the people’s choices.

In line with that, this moment was also used as a flow towards sovereign Indonesia. Where we must prioritize mutual respect for the victory and defeat of the presidential candidates carried. Funds are one of the right solutions, we as Indonesian people must simultaneously provide our aspirations to support the right ones in accordance with the mission and ideas brought by the prospective candidates.

Reflecting on history, politics does have a very influential flow in the process of building Indonesia into prosperity. That is why politics up to now cannot be separated from everyone’s life. Because it departs from this politics, Indonesia will be well maintained and safe. On the other hand, this is because at present Indonesia needs honest leaders. So that it can lead the community with trust and full of sincerity truly from the bottom of his heart. That’s why, this time our voices are very important. This is what will be added value, in realizing a peaceful and prosperous Indonesia.

For this reason, let us realize post-election harmony. Do not discriminate, discriminate or drop from one another. Competing in a healthy manner will make us understand how to respect others and how to love the people around us. Let us hold hands, to work together to realize peaceful politics.

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