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Don’t Distracted By The Illusion of Death Penalty


death penaltyBy: Norman Triangga)*

The issue of the death penalty in drug cases heard again since volume II execution of 8 person sentenced to death on 29 April 2015. Prasetyo, the prosecutor finally stated that the execution of volumes III held July 29, 2016, although the agenda should have been implemented in the past year.

Imposition of the death penalty in Indonesia is not new. In 2015 recorded 55 people have been sentenced to death by a court in a drug case. With quite a lot of data relating to the imposition of the death penalty for drug cases, it is comparable to the high incidence of drug abuse in Indonesia. For an example of the latest data April 2016, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Medan managed to catch smugglers and confiscated nearly 100 kilograms of methamphetamine and tens of thousands of ecstasy.

Surprising that drug trafficking does not stop when a drug dealer serving time in prison, as the case BNN capture the mastermind behind the circulation of methamphetamine in correctional institutions Karawang Prison May 22, 2015. Drug abuse crimes with smuggling and drug trafficking in Indonesia as if it never happened at low tide. Prison sentences are no longer a barrier to the convicted drug cases remain quietly running the illicit business. Therefore, in an effort to ensure a deterrent effect is to put the death penalty on offenders in the criminal system for drug cases. However, the question, whether the executive branch dead volume III will guarantee a drug crime in Indonesia will be reduced?

Columbia law professor at Columbia University Law School, United States Jeffrey Fagan replied emphatically that view was mistaken. There is no empirical evidence that the deterrent effect of executions. Columbia law professor at Columbia University Law School, United States Jeffrey Fagan replied emphatically that view was mistaken. There is no empirical evidence that the deterrent effect of executions.
Although the citizens consider that the death penalty could reduce the number of drug-related crime, but this should not be a significant impact on efforts to combat drugs in Indonesia. We do not get caught illusion to believe that the death penalty will decrease the amount of crime.

Execution only targeting the perpetrators were caught and proved to have been carrying drugs. The perpetrators are only a small part of the main actors accomplice. The death penalty will only break the chain dismantling drug cases, instead of removing the entire drug crimes.

This means they need solutions that are more massive to handle these problems. Indonesian nation must find the root of the problem why drugs developed in the Homeland, so as to seek a solution completion.

One of them, be aware of drugs that threaten the education sector which is currently the situation is an emergency. To that end, the Board of Education should be able to fortify and keep the world of education is not affected by drug trafficking. Do not get involved in drugs protege. Moreover, it also needs to continue to remind teachers, students, and parents do not get involved in drug cases or that endanger the state.

It takes a series of other strategies such as: protecting the right to health, opened the discussion and implementation of the decriminalization of drug use according to scientific evidence, mengendepankan working with the community of drug users is one of them. A change of paradigm does not do blink of an eye, but it must be started immediately, so that the state does not live in the illusion that without a solution.

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