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DPD Chairman explains the Importance of Emphasizing Pancasila to the Younger Generation


Chairman of DPD RI Oesman Sapta Odang opened Rakernas I Student Unit, Student and Student (Sapma) Pemuda Pancasila in Pekanbaru, Riau. On that occasion, he gave understanding Pancasila to Sapma Pemuda Pancasila.

Oesman Sapta said that the younger generation should love Pancasila and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Bhinneka Tungga Ika must be in the conscience of the young generation in front of hundreds of Sapma Pemuda Pancasila at Mutiara Merdeka Hotel, Pekanbaru Oesman Sapta said Sapma Pancasila Pemuda must be implanted Pancasila, 1945 Constitution, NKRI and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Oesman Sapta also recommends that every parent instill love to Pancasila. With so young generation we still love our beloved country Indonesia.

For that, he added, Sapma Pemuda Pancasila should prioritize Pancasila. Moreover, community organizations (mass organizations) is using the word Pancasila. So Sapma must put forward Pancasila. Not only that, other mass organizations do not necessarily put forward Pancasila.

On the other hand, Oesman Sapta recounts that his youth was ‘naughty’ but never used drugs. Naughty in him must use reason. The West Kalimantan senator confirmed that the drug actually makes us foolish. If we use drugs, finish our Pancasila.

He is also reminding to stay away from drugs. Never ever try it ‘drugs’. “Because drugs are a form of foreign State intervention for our generation is stupid.

In the face of this enormous challenge that cannot be avoided, it takes an action from the youth who play a very important role in building civilization and progress of a nation. As the next generation of nation that will be the root of this nation in the future. They are required to be able to realize the goals and national goals by having the authorized capital as agent of change (agent change) and agent of social control (social supervisory agency) in the community. Some of the roles that can be done by the young generation in the struggle for Pancasila is to equip themselves with education based on Pancasila and strengthen ethnic values ​​and create a sense of love towards the homeland. Pancasila as the national identity against the global currents.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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