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BLK Development is Able to Bring in Quality Local Papuan Workers


By : Norri Margareth )*

The construction of a Job Training Center (BLK) will clearly be able to provide human resources (HR) in the form of local workers from the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) who are much more qualified in order to encourage the welfare of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih itself and also welcome the acceleration of development in Papua in a sustainable manner.

Chairman of Commission V of the West Papua Provincial People’s Representative Council (DPRP), Syamsudin Seknun, encouraged the local regional government (Pemda) to budget for the sustainability of the development of BLKs and all supporting facilities and infrastructure so that they can be used to improve the quality of the workforce.

Then, responding to this, the Acting Regional Secretary for West Papua, Yacob S Fonataba, said that the recommendations from Commission V DPRP were ready to be followed up.

The Head of the West Papua Manpower and Transmigration Office, Fredrik Saidui, also revealed that the presence of BLK certainly aims to further realize the availability of quality local workers in West Papua to be able to answer the company’s requests or also to further develop the personal potential of each human resource (HR). local from Bumi Cenderawasih who is ready to compete with other parties.

Not only that, but the Job Training Center itself can also be utilized by a number of vocational education institutions in West Papua such as tourism, hospitality, agriculture, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) so that graduates from vocational education have good competitiveness.

It cannot be denied that the attention of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) is very great for the people of Papua. Vice President (Wapres) KH. Ma’ruf Amin said that the Land of Papua itself even has the largest area in the country, and also holds the potential for natural resources (SDA) which are very valuable economically and also very strategic.

Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) inaugurated the BLK which is useful for realizing the availability of human resources (HR) competently and evenly in all corners of Indonesia, including in the Land of Papua.

Because Papua saw the enormous potential it had, the government quickly took a role in efforts to further improve the overall competency of human resources through the development of a Community Job Training Center (BLK) program.

In fact, from 2017 to 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower has also allocated the construction of Community BLKs to as many as 12 institutions in Papua and West Papua. All these institutions are spread across Papua as many as 7 institutions, then in West Papua as many as 5 institutions.

In 2021, the Ministry of Manpower has also allocated programs and budgets for the construction of Community BLKs for 21 institutions receiving development assistance, which includes 12 institutions in Papua and 9 institutions in West Papua.

The construction of the Community BLK is indeed an effort to bring closer access to improving human resource (HR) competency in Papua and West Papua. Of course, all the efforts intensified by the government will not be able to run optimally if they are not supported by cooperation and synergy from various parties such as the local Regional Government (Pemda), the business world and also the industrial world and also really need full support from the community in society. Alone.

It has become a big task for all parties to be able to prepare good management, accompanied by good facilities and infrastructure and to prepare competent and great human resources in order to further strengthen the innovation ecosystem that exists on Bumi Cenderawasih.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, explained that the Community BLK itself aims to make it easier for people throughout Indonesia, including Papua, to access training. With the construction of the Community BLK, the government has a very strong determination to be able to reach all possible corners that have never been reached by other training institutions, whether from the government itself or private training.

A total of 21 Community BLKs in Papua and West Papua are a very strong commitment from the government in developing Bumi Cenderawasih, especially regarding the development of quality human resources so it is hoped that with the existence of BLKs they will be increasingly able to improve the skills possessed by local communities because they can provide provisions in the form of technical production skills. or vocational skills in accordance with the needs of the job market for the surrounding community and society in work or entrepreneurship.

The Government continues to intensify efforts to increase local human resources (HR) from the indigenous Papuan community (OAP) through various means, including the construction of Job Training Centers which aim to provide training on the quality of the workforce from the Papuan community so that they are able to compete with human resources in other areas and help improve the welfare of its own citizens.

)* Papuan Students Live in Kupang

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