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Management of Community Land with BIN for the Advancement of Papuan Farmers


Jayapura – President Joko Widodo has inaugurated the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Building in Kab. Jayapura. The PYCH building will be used as a creative center for young Papuan talents.

In his remarks, President Jokowi said he was proud of the presence of PYCH in the Land of Papua.

“This morning I really feel very proud, because of the request of 23 young Papuans at that time whom I invited to the Palace to have a space for empowerment, to improve the quality of human resources, today we can see it together at the Papua Youth Creative Hub in Jayapura, ” said President Jokowi when inaugurating the PYCH building, Tuesday (21/03/2023).

The inauguration of the PYCH Building will help young Papuans run various programs for the welfare of the Papuan people. One of the programs raised is to utilize vacant land to be developed into agricultural land.

Furthermore, the President explained that Indonesia will experience a demographic bonus in 2035. Most of Indonesia’s population is of productive age and in Papua itself there will be 2.6 million or 60% of the population of Papua and West Papua are young people, so this requires a platform and job opportunities, job opportunities. The President advised the youth not to think that everyone wants to become civil servants.

Meanwhile, the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan, who was also present at the inauguration of the PYCH revealed, the inauguration of the building was a form of the President’s commitment to building a Papuan talent center as a driving force for the economy and prosperity of Papua. 

Management of dead land on land belonging to indigenous peoples is facilitated and fully supported by BIN with the aim of being able to advance farmers in Papua.

The Head of the Food Crops and Horticulture and Plantation District of West Papua Province, Yacob S. Fonataba admitted that his party really welcomed all BIN programs through PYCH.

“We are very positive. We want to support the program implemented by Papuan youths who are directly supervised by the State Intelligence Agency in the Kebar Valley,” said Yacob.

Apart from agriculture, BIN together with Papuan youths are also developing livestock potential for the welfare of the Papuan people. Some of them are Laying Chicken Farms in the District. Jayapura, a pig farm owned by Albert Burwas District, Manokwari West Papua, and Cow Workshop in the Bomberay District District. Fak – Fak.

These Papuan youth activities are supported by the PYCH Building which is the center of creativity for young Papuans to develop the potential and talents of young Papuans.

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