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New Autonomous Region Papua Makes Public Health Services Maximal


By: Viktor Awoitauw )*

The existence of the 4 new Autonomous Regions (DOB) of Papua has maximized services to the community, especially in the health sector. With medical services, people on Cendrawasih Earth are protected from various dangerous diseases such as malaria, AIDS, dengue fever, and others. Papuans are Indonesian citizens, so they must receive maximum health services.

The government is developing Papua so that there is equity throughout Indonesia. From Sabang to Merauke there must be justice in development, so that all people feel the same progress. Papua was built using Special Autonomy (Special Autonomy) funds and APBD funds to keep progressing.

To make Papua’s development successful, the government has created a Master Plan for the Acceleration of Papua Development (RIPPP). RIPPP funds of IDR 78.7 trillion will be provided for development in Cendrawasih Earth, in 2023. This amount of funds is used for the progress of the Papuan people, so that they are smart and healthy. 

In addition to physical development, the government is also carrying out development in the health sector. One of them is by expanding the region or adding new autonomous regions. There are 4 new provinces namely South Papua, Highlands Papua, Southwest Papua and Central Papua. With the new autonomous regions, public health services will be maximized.

Deputy Director for Region 12 of BPJS Kesehatan, Budi Setiawan, stated that in 2023, BPJS Kesehatan for Papua and West Papua Regions will continue to make efforts to ensure that the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) in Papua can run optimally. 

This is evidenced for 3 consecutive years from 2020 to 2022 the coverage of active JKN membership in the Papua Province region has increased very significantly, from 60.84% ​​to 88.78% and in the West Papua Province region it has also increased from 93, 85% to 95.07%. Of the 42 Regencies/Cities, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) cooperation has been carried out.

Budi Setiawan continued, the UHC collaboration is a solution to answer challenges for residents who do not yet have a Resident Identification Number (NIK), so that with this collaboration residents who need access to health services can quickly register their residence at Dukcapil and then immediately enjoy health services. in health facilities in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan.

This means that the regional government plays a very important role in the implementation of health programs in Papua, including BPJS Kesehatan. When there is a new autonomous region, it makes it easier to record population administration, because the distance from residents’ homes to the provincial Dispendukcapil office is closer. The Papuan people will be more orderly in dealing with identity cards (KTP) and family cards (KK).

KTP and KK are very important because every citizen must have a National Identity Number (NIK) as a residence number. With a clear NIK and valid KTP and KK, Papuans can have a BPJS Health card. That way they can take advantage of it when they are sick and are no longer afraid of having to pay doctors and medicine fees at very high prices.

Indeed BPJS card holders have to pay every month in order to take advantage of its facilities. However, the Papuan people understand that the cost of BPJS Health is very cheap, when compared to treatment without the card. Moreover, there are subsidies from the government so that the BPJS costs are not at all burdensome for them.

Meanwhile, the presence of 4 new autonomous regions also has a positive effect on development in the health sector. Especially in remote areas of Papua which are still facing endemic malaria and other diseases. Moreover, there is a threat of AIDS which is very dangerous and cannot be transmitted. 

The more Puskesmas and other health facilities that are built, the closer it is to medical treatment. Health facilities are also complete with representative health workers, medicines and medical devices.

Speaker of the Papuan Parliament Jhony Banua Rouw emphasized that the health insurance program for indigenous Papuans in the form of the Papuan Healthy Card (KPS) is still valid but will be integrated into the BPJS as one of the national health insurances organized by the government.

The KPS program intended for Indigenous Papuans (OAP) will continue to apply. However, this KPS is not the main one, but backs up the BPJS. It is the government’s duty to provide health insurance for the people of Papua, especially for indigenous Papuans.

There are only referral hospitals in Papua in Jayapura, therefore members of the DPR Papua will invite Acting Governors in the four new provinces to take part, in this case backing up the budget related to this KPS. So that when there are referrals from the area of ​​origin of patients with KPS guarantees, they will still be served at referral hospitals in Jayapura City, both Abepura Hospital and Jayapura Hospital.

The existence of 4 new autonomous regions in Papua has maximized public health services. With the existence of a new province, administrative services to the people will improve and make their data recorded in an orderly manner. All Papuans have a NIK so that it is easier to manage and use the BPJS Health card.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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