Papua’s Prosperity Will Be Helped by the Formation of a New Autonomous Region
By : Veronica Lokbere )*
There are 4 New Autonomous Regions (DOBs) in Papua, so there are a total of 6 provinces there. The new new autonomous region will improve the welfare of the Papuan people. The reason is because with this new province APBD funds will be added so that development in Cendrawasih Land will be more massive.
Papua is a region that has a lot of potential, both human resources and natural resources. But why are there still stark differences between the Cendrawasih Earth and other islands, such as Java and Sumatra? Indeed, Papua (formerly known as Irian Jaya) was the youngest province when it joined Indonesia, but during the New Order era there was centralization so that development in the regions was not given much attention.
During the reform era, centralization was abolished and regional autonomy rules were made. Papua has special autonomy meant for them, so they can catch up with other regions. Modernity in Papua is expected to advance this region. The welfare of the Papuan people is prioritized so that there is no inequality and there is social justice throughout Indonesia.
Papuan welfare is the target of both the local government and the central government. The goal is that there is no inequality between eastern and western Indonesia. For the welfare of the Papua region, the formation of a new autonomous region will be carried out again, so that the community will receive many facilities and conveniences.
The four new autonomous regions are Central Papua, South Papua, Highlands Papua and Southwest Papua. Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian stated that the existence of 4 new autonomous regions is believed to further promote the welfare of the Papuan people, and encourage more developed infrastructure development.
The addition of the new autonomous regions has been through consultation with indigenous Papuans (OAP) and the Papuan People’s Council. They are given the authority to participate in developing this region. The main purpose of adding provinces is for the welfare of Papua.
Regional expansion (additional new autonomous regions) in Papua is for the prosperity of the Papuan people, because they are part of Indonesia. There is no difference between Papuans and Javanese or other ethnicities, because all have the right to progress.
When a new province is established, it will be given APBD funds from the central government. These funds will be used to develop the area. Logically, the more provinces, the more APBD funds will be disbursed, so that there will be an even distribution of development in the Papua region.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Indonesian MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, stated that the division of regions in Papua was for the prosperity of the Papuan people. There will be economic growth when there is regional division and it can be enjoyed as a whole. But with the condition that it must be done comprehensively.
When there is an even distribution of development, both in the provincial capital of Papua, Jayapura, with Merauke or Sorong, are equally advanced. The reason is because these areas both have adequate infrastructure, which can facilitate people’s mobility. Life there runs smoothly and is prosperous because the roads are smooth and it has buildings and other facilities that make it easier for the people.
In addition to APBD funds, there is also a special autonomy fund (otsus) for Papua. When there is an increase in provinces, the special autonomy budget will be divided equally, so that each province can make good use of it. The special autonomy fund is not only in infrastructure, but also in other fields such as the economy, religion, scholarships, education, health, etc.
If there is equal distribution of the special autonomy funds in the new provinces, hospitals, health centers and other health facilities will be built there. So that people can seek treatment at close range.
In addition, the funds are also capital assistance for entrepreneurs, so they can trade without bothering to find a loan. When many do business, the velocity of money will run faster. As a result, people’s welfare can be realized quickly.
When there is the formation of a new autonomous region, it will be useful because if there are additional provinces, the number of governors will automatically increase. According to special autonomy, the governor and deputy governor must be native Papuans. So that they can develop their own territory more optimally, because they understand their people from a sociological and cultural perspective.
Regional expansion in Papua will soon be realized because it is very beneficial for all levels of society. Don’t think that the addition of this province is a project that only benefits the government. Because in reality, this division actually benefits the people, and the central and regional governments do not collect a single penny.
In fact, the addition of the new autonomous region will make the people of Papua more prosperous because in addition to increasing APBD funds, it also adds supporting infrastructure. They no longer have to use the footpath. However, when there is a new province, new highways will be built to facilitate trade and facilitate the mobility of citizens in Cendrawasih Land.
The welfare of the Papuan people will be helped by the formation of 4 new autonomous regions. If there are additional provinces, the administration will be simplified. Apart from that, APBD funds will increase, so that it will be used to develop Papua to remote areas.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta