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Prabowo-Gibran Government Provides Legal Certainty for Investors in IKN


East Kalimantan – The Indonesian government through the Indonesian Capital Authority (OIKN) provides legal certainty for investors interested in investing in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN).

This step aims to attract investors, as well as accelerate the development of the IKN which is one of the priorities of President Prabowo Subianto’s government.

This was stated by the Deputy for Funding and Investment of OIKN, Agung Wicaksono, who stated that investors will be given clear legal rights related to land use, including Building Use Rights (HGB) which are valid for a long period.

Agung explained that investors in the IKN will be given Building Use Rights (HGB) which can be valid for up to 80 years.

“This Building Use Right can be valid for one cycle, namely 80 years, and can still be extended for a second cycle for 80 years according to applicable provisions,” he said.

This, he continued, provides certainty for investors, because their rights and obligations will be recorded in a valid notarial deed.

In addition, Agung emphasized that the government is committed to maintaining the stability of the investment climate in the IKN by ensuring that the licensing and regulatory processes run smoothly and transparently.

This aims to create a safe and profitable investment environment for investors who want to contribute to the development of the IKN.

Meanwhile, an economic observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Hendra Kholid, appreciated President Prabowo’s commitment to continuing the IKN development program started by President Jokowi.

Hendra stated, “Appreciation of President-elect Pak Prabowo’s desire to continue the IKN is an important step, because without this commitment, the IKN could be neglected.”

According to Hendra, the continuation of this project under Prabowo’s leadership can provide a sense of trust for investors.

Hendra also revealed that Prabowo’s commitment to continuing the development of the IKN provides certainty for investors.

“When Prabowo has a commitment to continue the IKN, it becomes a guarantee for investors. This means that investors have certainty and that is very important,” he added.

The government is also trying to ensure a smooth leadership transition, which according to Hendra, is very important in building investor confidence.

“Investment requires trust, and that trust can be created through a clear commitment from President Prabowo,” he said.

With these steps, it is hoped that the IKN can become an attractive economic and development center for both domestic and international investors. The trust that is built, coupled with legal certainty and clear regulations, will accelerate the realization of the IKN vision as the future capital city of Indonesia.

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