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Supporting Regional Governments to Increase Cooperation to Accelerate Papua’s Development


By :  Kristy Tiara Yumte )*

Papua continues to be developed for the progress of its people. The community supports local governments to work together to accelerate development. With acceleration, there will be equitable development throughout Papua to remote areas, and will benefit all residents of Bumi Cendrawasih.

In the era of President Jokowi’s administration, development in Papua was accelerated and multiplied. Various infrastructure ranging from bridges, roads, to airports, were created for the sake of the community. The construction of these public facilities will facilitate the mobility of residents in Bumi Cendrawasih. Infrastructure development is carried out for the progress of Papua.

Infrastructure development in Papua continues to be carried out so that the region becomes more advanced. To support development, there needs to be cooperation from all parties. Not only the central government and regional governments. However, the Papuan people also support infrastructure development so that their region becomes more advanced.

The government is very serious about building various infrastructure. First, there is the Trans Papua Road which stretches for more than 4,000 KM. This road will shorten the travel time. If in the past you wanted to go to another village you could take a day and a night because there was only a footpath, now it only takes a few hours.

To support infrastructure development, the role and cooperation of all parties is needed. Acting Governor of West Papua Paulus Waterpauw stated that cooperation between regions that are members of the Indonesian Asymmetric Decentralization Forum (FORDASI) will accelerate development throughout Papua within the framework of special autonomy (otsus).

Acting Governor Paulus Waterpauw invited all regional heads, both governors and regents/mayors in the six provinces in Papua to make the best use of the forum for equitable development. FORDASI is the best forum for exchanging ideas, ideas and cooperation between asymmetric decentralized regions.

Paulus Waterpauw added that six provinces in Papua, namely Papua, West Papua, South Papua, Mountain Papua, Central Papua and Southwest Papua, can adopt program planning that has been implemented by three other provinces (DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta and Aceh).

For example, planning programs for developing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), improving the quality of education, health and infrastructure in order to realize the welfare of the Papuan people. The six provincial governments in Papua need to learn a lot from their brothers and sisters outside Papua because they are more developed.

Provincial and district/city governments throughout Papua are committed to renewing government governance through the concept of inter-regional cooperation which has features and specificities. Synergy is the key to success in developing the quality of human resources (HR) to increase regional competitiveness in the future.

Meanwhile, Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that the government had ratified Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 24 of 2023 concerning the 2022-2041 Papua Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP) on April 17 2023. RIPPP contains three missions large, namely Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, and Productive Papua.

The Vice President added that he had inaugurated the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Development of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP), which has one of the main tasks to oversee the implementation of RIPPP.

As a follow-up effort, the Executive Secretary of BP3OKP who also serves as Deputy for Government Policy Support and National Insight of the Vice Presidential Secretariat (Setwapres), Velix Vernando Wanggai, held a RIPPP Consolidation Meeting at the Setwapres Auditorium.

Velix Wanggai stated that his party was moving forward with several points regarding the Vice President’s direction, regarding looking at new spirits, new paradigms, ways of working and new designs so that there would be a leap. One of these leaps can be done through the implementation of programs that provide fast and good results (quick wins).

Velix Wanggai continued, the strategy for accelerating integrated development, here are things that are technocratic in nature. His party wants to ensure the master plan in Special Autonomy and the Presidential Decree, then ensure that BP3OKP runs, and ensure projects that are quick wins, whose focus and priority must be carried out.

This quick win program needs to be carried out primarily in sectors that have a direct impact on society, such as the development of infrastructure to support daily life. The new design for the development of the new province is very important, including priorities in the development of facilities and infrastructure.

The Quick Win program will be implemented well if it is carried out through a comprehensive and humanist approach based on territory to provide affirmation to the indigenous Papuan people that development will be carried out for the welfare of the Papuan people.

Meanwhile, the Daily Executive (Plh) Governor of Papua, Muhammad Ridwan Rudalamun really wants to realize his strong commitment to continue to help and encourage the acceleration of development in the New Autonomous Region. This commitment is also marked by the uniform use of the Program Information System (BANGGA Papua) and other Sharing Application Systems with the Southwest Papua Provincial Government.

The aim of the BANGGA Papua program is to continue to improve the quality and effectiveness of all Old Age Protection (PAITUA) programs. This is a social protection program as well as the Implementation of an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

The acceleration of Papua’s development is carried out for the welfare of the community. Therefore, the regional government is collaborating, including with parties from outside Papua, for integrated development on Bumi Cendrawasih. With various development programs in Papua, the people will become more advanced.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Manado

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