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The Involvement of Foreign Workers Increases the Quality of the Development of IKN


By: Galang Faizan Akbar )*

The involvement of foreign workers in IKN development projects is none other than solely for the benefit of the nation and the state, namely so that continuous improvement occurs and also guarantees the quality of the projects being carried out. So that it will not only be completed quickly and on time, but can be finished with good quality.

The Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia (Menko Marves RI), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan will employ foreign workers (TKA) to supervise the development of the Archipelago Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan. Furthermore, he admitted that the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had known this decision directly.

Of course it’s not without reason why he has the discourse to be able to employ foreign workers as supervisors in the construction of the IKN. The reason is, of course the Government of Indonesia really wants good quality in this development project and ensures that everything can run optimally until August 17, 2024.

Therefore, a report was made and sent to President Jokowi that indeed Indonesia really needs foreign workers to truly maintain the quality of IKN development. Don’t let the construction of the Presidential Palace in East Kalimantan just speed up, without paying attention to quality.

So far, the Government of Indonesia has also continued to focus on solving land issues in the Archipelago Capital area, so that the acceleration of land acquisition can be prioritized first. At least the target for solving the land issue is July 27, 2023, everything is known, starting from the price of the land, who will buy it, and who will be involved in the project.

It is also undeniable that certainty about land or land issues, starting from the price and who is the party that will manage or own it is indeed very important so that an offer can be made to investors or investors as soon as possible to further support the accelerated development of the Archipelago’s Capital City.

For this reason, the entire appraisal team can immediately accelerate their steps to be able to calculate, moreover every 6 (six) months the price of land or land in the area will certainly change because so far more and more infrastructure has been built and is growing, so indeed all parties must be able to make adjustments to all the changes that occur.

Even though the discourse regarding the use of foreign workers in the development of IKN is actually in the national interest, there are still a number of parties who continue to criticize this policy issued by the Government of Indonesia. Therefore, instead of only focusing on one side, all people should be able to see this phenomenon comprehensively.

With a comprehensive assessment, of course the community’s own assessment will also be far more objective in seeing the reasons why the Government of Indonesia really needs assistance from foreign workers in the development project for the Archipelago Capital City.

If indeed everything is in the interest and good of the nation and state, all parties should not have any doubts. In addition, in the end, in the end, human resources (HR) from Indonesia itself will be able to replace the presence of foreign workers after indeed the human resources from the country are qualified and can master all the expertise needed in project development at IKN.

Thus, the discourse on the use and involvement of foreign workers in the development of the Archipelago’s Capital City is indeed not forever, because at least it is only for a period of around 6 (six) months to around 1 (one) year in the future. Temporarily the Government of Indonesia will use foreign workers, which later on as the project continues, people from Indonesian workers will gradually be added.

Not only has President Jokowi known, but the discourse on the use of foreign workers in the IKN megaproject in East Kalimantan has also been reported to the House of Representatives (DPR RI). The target of the Government of Indonesia is that on August 17, 2024, at least the quality of the construction of the Presidential Palace can be truly maximized.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi himself admitted that he was already aware of the proposal that the construction of IKNs would use assistance from foreign workers as supervisors in order to pay attention to quality. According to him, the use of foreign workers is not at all a problem to do.

Because it is indeed for the sake of continuing to improve and also guaranteeing quality and quality in the IKN development project in East Kalimantan, therefore, the Government of Indonesia has a discourse to involve foreign workers as supervisors in the project.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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