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EE Mangindaan: The Value of Existence of GBHN as the Realization of the Vision of Founding Nation


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Vice Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) Evert Ernest Mangindaan assess the effort to restore GBHN as a guide to national development is a manifestation of the views of the founders of the nation.

Mangindaan through his speech in the Workshop of Pancasila, Constitution and State of the Republic of Indonesia’s People’s Consultative Assembly: The Outline of State Policy in Surabaya, Friday (7/4/2017) afternoon, we need to remember the founding view of the nation that Pancasila as the basis and ideology of the state, The national goals that have been formulated by them in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution are the basic guidelines. Therefore, GBHN is planned to be used as the basic policy source of development. Therefore, as a basic guideline, GBHN will be directed as a way of instituting the values ​​of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution into public institutions. We travel to various provinces as they are the implementers of regional development.

Democratic Party politician said, MPR RI need to establish communication with various agencies from the provincial government so that the description GBHN can guide them in carrying out the development process in their respective regions.

Meanwhile, related to the potential collision with the current presidential system, Mangindaan assures MPR RI will present the GBHN based on the current Indonesian context in line with the applicable law.

Mangindaan said that of course we are aware with such potential. Preparation of GBHN will be adjusted with the formation of legal containers as well as consider the legal consequences that will occur if the GBHN will be implemented.

Please note, since 2007, the term GBHN no longer used as a reference development, and replaced with the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) which lasted 20 years. Some argue that the GBHN revitalization discourse could be the answer to the anxiety caused by the objective of lost development.

Based on polls conducted by Kompas daily, some people do not deny the importance of the existence of national policy guidelines. From the poll, there were as many as 54.5 percent of correspondents who agreed to revive the GBHN as long as it remained in line with current conditions.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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