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Full Day School and Polemic on Education

source: republika.com

By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Pros and cons emerged after the minister’s policy of education and culture on the application of eight hours of study in schools that we often know with the term full day school began to warm in the media also medsos. Moreover, after receiving a negative response from one of the largest mass organizations in the country.

The assumption that arises is that the policy will turn off the madrasah diniyah (madin) to the parents’ fear that the implementation of the policy will deplete the child’s stamina, and cause the child to become tired when returning from school, not to mention the process of learning that requires concentration, Fatigue, both physically and psychologically.

However, not a few who gave an optimistic response to the policy. With the implementation of eight hours of learning in school the child will get more space to explore and develop his talents, one of them with extracurricular program after teaching and learning activities in the classroom.

Regardless of the pros and cons of full day school in the community, the government actually has enough homework to advance education in the country. From the facilities and infrastructure that is still not evenly distributed to the quality of educators who have not matching expectations. If the implementation of full day school is only done in big cities would increase the gap and opposed with the aim of President Jokowi who wants the mapping, both from physical development and human resources development.

In terms of educators, the government has not quite finished improving its human resources. Evidently, there are still many educators who do not have a predetermined linearity. Even if many teachers are educated again, it is still far from the educational ethos itself and is merely a formality.


The government repeatedly tried to present to provide solutions in answering the quality of human resources it has through teacher training. However, it is not enough because the stages after the training that is mentoring, supervision, and evaluation are still very minimal, to only cause kebingunggan in implementation.

The purpose of applying full day school certainly has the clarity to the nine priority agenda of Jokowi-JK government which more often we hear with the term “Nawa Cita.” Education and Culture Minister Muhadjir Efendi admires full day school of course with various considerations. One of the most common ones we hear is to build the character of the students slowly.

However, what is unfortunate is the lack of community involvement in the concept of full day. This is also one of the common anxieties, the concerns of learners (children) will be uprooted and coopted from the environment into a very loud issue in the community. If more scrutiny in full day school becomes a twist step from government policies in the field of education.

The concept of a child-friendly environment is an offer worthy of consideration by the government. In this case the government should be able to activate the structure of lower society to work with communities to create an environment that can educate and build character.

Indeed, the characters are formed from intense communication. And child communication is mostly done in the community. Thus, it is wise if the government provides the role and space for the community to participate in advancing education in the country. Until the task of advancing education is not isolated in the school environment alone. Because the community has the responsibility of guiding the nation’s generation.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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