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Indonesia Advancing with Kartin1: 15 Citizen Identity In 1 Grip


By: Moch. Irfandi)*

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, along with the Directorate General of Taxation introduced the Indonesian Card Flatform 1 or abbreviated Kartin1. Card Indonesia 1 for now has not been issued officially. The launch of Kartin1 coincides with the closing of the Amnesty Tax program.

The launching ceremony was attended by Finance Minister, Director General of Taxation, representatives from BPJS Health, BPJS Employment, Directorate General of Immigration, Directorate General of Dukcapil, Technology Review and Development Agency, Financial Services Authority, Bank Indonesia, Association of State Owned Banks, and West Java Provincial Government.

Card Indonesia 1 is designed to provide convenience to the public in administrative matters. The plan of this card can facilitate various platforms with guaranteed security. Indonesian Card 1 will integrate 15 citizens identity, namely: NPWP, E-ID card, BPJS, SIM, Passport, Credit Card, Debit Card, E-Money, E-Toll to PNS Parent Number including access to government agency.

This card is expected to be Single Identity Number for smooth government programs. Such as the provision of social assistance, tax incentives and the establishment of cashless society.

Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, is confident that this 1st Indonesian Card can encourage the achievement of Directorate General of Tax target.

So, in the future, we no longer need to have so many cards in our wallets. But on the other hand, if the magic card is missing.

General Constraints Indonesia Card Making 1

Iwan Djuniardi, Director of TTKI Directorate General of Taxes Ministry of Finance said that the Director General of Taxes working based on Data. The fact of the field, when the data entered into the data center, found the absence of standardization of data. A single identity is missing so we cannot directly endorsement. We have to do cleansing. To match data between NPWP and NIK within 3 years it only reached 24 million, and even then with level of confidence about 80%.

Imagine the complexity of aligning data from the 15 identity cards to be integrated, how much time will be required until the Card Indonesia 1 is actually launched and applied in the midst of society.

Another problem is the absence of single list profile. For example, in the Tax never pay taxes, but other services are given. Yet if we talk of service, it is RIGHT while paying taxes is liability. We know that the public service is financed by tax money. Should pay taxes first, just get the service, but this is not detected.

Then there is the public demand to have one versatile card like the neighboring country with “My card” it. On that basis, initially to be developed is NPWP first, but when looking at the technology, integrate multiple identity cards is possible. Finally it was decided to create one platform, not the card, although this platform looks like a card.

A platform that can be injected everywhere. In this way, automatic cards will benefit from this Kartin1. We do not issue cards ourselves. People can choose which card to use and apply throughout Indonesia. Really use of one card, because our system, do not recognize double carts.

Financing Side of the Kartin Platform Project1

Comparing with E-KTP Procurement Project Fund which later became the biggest case of Indonesian nation, did not rule out the society already feel apathetic with this Kartin1 platform projects.

Many Taxation Experts and Economic Experts suspect that the Project Directorate General of Tax is very vulnerable from corruption. Even the Good Tax Expert Pambagio said that Kartin1 has 3 weaknesses that are vulnerable to corruption, throwing away the budget and troubling the public.

But Iwan Djuniardi explains that the Kartin1 Platform Project is very different from the E-ID project because of the concept of Kartin1, the procurement of the card is really from the community. The Director General of Taxes does not make cards. We create paltforms that can be mocked everywhere. Even the development is done inhouse by the Directorate General of Tax itself so there will be no vendor locking.

So whoever will join, they can create a Memorandum of Understanding with the Directorate General of Taxes or send a letter, the Director General of Tax will give access to injek for free or free. Even for readers or users, we give the application for free. In fact we will open the application Card Indonesia 1 on the phone for free as well.

All pure development will be undertaken by the Director General of Taxes which is dedicated throughout Indonesia.

2010, when the E-KTP project started getting problematic, it seems the project was triggered by criminal-minded fools and had only one word in their head “Profit profit advantage”. So really cave.

Indonesian Card Socialization 1

Hearing his name is Indonesian CARD 1, people will quickly understand that this is the procurement of a card, just as it does with the provision of an E-KTP card. Jokowi just to comment, “why make a plastic card can cost up to Rp5.9 trillion”.

Socialization of the understanding that Card Indonesia 1 is not a card, but a platform. This is important to be understood by society because in order not to arise a misunderstanding that resulted in this apathy.

The public must understand what a Platform is,

Platform is a multiaccess application found in android still connected to various functions and partners.

So supposing we have one card and the card is gone, but with fingerprints, we can already access that platform in android and get into various public service functions. Platform Indonesia 1 Card can be accessed by using 3 things that are registered or selected card, fingerprint and user name and password.

The socialization of Indonesia 1 Card should be a priority before the launch of platforms and applications of this program in the community so as not to cause unfounded prejudices or suspictions that could be disseminated by irresponsible parties.

If Indonesia Card 1 is really officially launched, Indonesia will be as cool as America with Social Security Number or Malaysia with My Card!!

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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