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It’s the Government’s Effort to Fight the Anti-Pancasila Movement


Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo said the Presidential Government of Joko Widodo or Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla has actually made many efforts to counter the anti-Pancasila movement.

Among other things, by formulating the general policy direction of coaching the ideology of Pancasila through UKP teaching Pancasila Ideology. The government also conducts the outline of the ideology of Pancasila ideology and the road map of Pancasila ideology development, coordination, synchronization, and controlling the implementation of Pancasila ideology development. Then the implementation of advocacy of ideology development of Pancasila, and implementation of cooperation and inter-institutional relations in the implementation of ideology development of Pancasila.

Tjahjo Kumolo revealed, the other side also the Government intensively strengthen the ideology of Pancasila in Mental Revolution Program on campuses, government and private agencies, mass media and also forums, community forums in the regions. The aims of the program are the strengthening and understanding of the wider community of Pancasila ideology.

In addition, Tjahjo said, the Ministry of the Interior has done many things such as printing ASN in the Mental Revolution program. Then, strengthen the ideology of Pancasila. For example by debriefing the leadership of the Government of the Interior in 2015. The Ministry also strengthens the forum

Meanwhile, Tjahjo said, the publication of Perppu Ormas is not merely to revoke certain organizations. But as a refinement of the Ormas Act in accordance with the demands and legal needs of the community. This Perppu applies generally to every mass organization in Indonesia and not addressed to certain mass organizations.

The publication of Perppu, he said, is more aimed at curbing mass organizations potentially conflicting with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. At the same time warning against mass organizations that will have the intention to disseminate ideology, doctrine, ideology that contradicts Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Tjahjo said that one of the government’s emphasis in this matter is the radicalism movement that easily infiltrate the existing mass movement. Therefore, this Perppu is very important to anticipate the spread of radicalism that is against the ideology of the nation.

President Jokowi, said Tjahjo, also once said should be “gebuk” organizations that are against the Pancasila. This, as a form of Pancasila affirmation, is the only ideology for the Indonesian nation. Jokowi will also take action against the emergence of various movements of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) and anti-Pancasila mass organizations.

Tjahjo said, so it does not intend to restore the patterns of the new order that perform authoritarian actions against different views with the government. His sole enthusiasm is to strengthen the ideology of Pancasila, because it is part of the Presidential Oath to defend Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Tjahjo asserted, Jokowi never give fresh wind to the PKI. Precisely he is very firm on the prohibition of the existence of communism that is a mandate of the MPRS Tap No. XXV / MPRS / 1966.

Of course the mass organization is not without consideration. The government, as acknowledged by President Joko Widodo, has heard advice and absorbed the aspirations of various layers of society and religious leaders who are known for their reputation in maintaining tolerance, nationality and diversity. Perppu No. 2 In 2017 it is already on the right track. It means supporting the Perppu and the freezing of these mass organizations that have tarnished and damaged the joints of statehood and the values ​​of brotherhood, religion, pluralism, and nationalism.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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