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Knowing Rattan farmer in Kotawaringin Timur Regency


By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Rattan is a cash crop in Central Kalimantan province. Rattan is from group of palm which has long stalk. Rattan stalk usually has diameter around 2 – 5 cm. Rattan lives in tropical area in Africa, Asia and Australia. Rattan has long, sharp and tight thorn. The thorn has function as defense tool from herbivore also help in climbing, because rattan is not complete by spiral.

In Central Kalimantan province, rattan becomes one of livelihood. They will make furniture or other handicraft from rattan, such chair, table, etc.

Moreover, the rattan productivity for handicraft is continued increasing. But, lately, the price of rattan in farmer level is decrease. In Kotawaringin Timur regency, the price of rattan in farmer is only IDR 1700 till IDR 1800 per kilogram.

If comparing to basic need such rice, to get one kilogram rice, farmers need to sell 10 – 11 kilogram rattan. The condition is not fair if compare to the difficult in corps the rattan. It will affect to the prosperous condition of the farmer.

In this case, government needs to take action handling the case that is faced by rattan farmer. First, invite investor who want build factory for rattan and has export orientation. It will increase the rattan price.

Role of government is also need to promote the local rattan production to other area and international. Another way is activate and grow the UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah/ small enterprise) which run their work in rattan handicraft.

Some parties also blame the rule of Trading Minister no 35 year 2011 about rattan export and product, and then they suggest revising and then changing.

Meanwhile, chief of industry, trading and market management of Kotawaringin Timur, Mudiono said that the party has propose to center government to review the rule no 35 year 2011, but there is no respond yet.

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