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Konawe Indusrial Zone Is Ready To Built

Konawe Indusrial Zone Is Ready To Built
Konawe Indusrial Zone Is Ready To Built

By: Saiful*)

Kendari – In 2015, the Indonesian government will build 13 Industrial Area, including the Konawe Industrial Zone (KIK) with an area of ​​about 5.500 hectares, which is located in sub district Bondoala Kapoiala, Konawe Regency.

Focus on the needs of the construction industry workforce Ferronickel around 18.200 workers. Moreover, in the plan will be developed as an Integrated Industrial area, which integrate the Industrial Area, Port Industry and Mining, Metro Housing, Regional Trade and other facilities.

However, there are still obstacles in the form of regulation Spatial Plan (RTRW) Konawe Regency with the Spatial Plan South East Sulawesi Province is incompatible. In Spatial Plan Southeast Sulawesi Province, the area that will be woken KIK is an agricultural area.

Ir. Sapoan, Head of Small and Medium Industries Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) of Southeast Sulawesi Province stated that, “basically, KIK is ready to build. Central Government, Provincial and District have synergy. Issues related to spatial planning regulations will be revised and adjusted. ”

Other documents will be issued to accelerate the development of KIK. We will support all thing that will be develop the economy of Indonesia, said Sapoan.

*) The Author Is Sulawesi Regional Contributors

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