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Burning excavators, KST  Papua   must be dealt with


By: Viktor Awoitauw )*

The Terrorist Separatist Group (KST) deserves firm action because this group not only spreads terror, but also frequently commits vandalism, as happened in Woda Village, Raimbawi District, Yapen Regency, Papua. Where KST launched its action by burning an excavator heavy equipment.

Apart from setting fire to the excavator, KST also raised the Morning Star flag at the crime scene. Of course, this dishonorable action must become a serious concern for the government, especially the security forces, so that KST does not have the power to spread terror.

         Moreover, KST also threatened to commit crimes if its members were not released. This threat was finally anticipated by sending Brimob troops to the Yapen Islands District.

         The burning is of course proof that KST rejects development and does not like seeing progress in Papua. KST has shown its identity as a separatist movement wrapped in the spirit of Papuan independence.

         The act of burning excavators is of course very, very outrageous, KST is like a movement filled with cowards who only want to destroy and destroy peace in Papua. The KST, who are said to want independence, in fact they only boast with pseudo-independence narratives and continue to fight against the security forces in Papua.

         Apart from burning heavy equipment, on May 20 2023, a resident’s house was burnt in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province. In this tragic event, it was the semi-permanent house belonging to pastors Loas Kogoya and Daniel Emba that burned down.

         Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo as Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police said the burning of the pastor’s house took place at 15.30 WIT. Material losses caused by the fire are estimated at 300 million rupiah.

         One of the KST members, Sebby Sembom, admitted that it was his party who carried out the arson. KST did this because they were still in the war against the security forces.

         The community also condemned the arson. How could KST have the heart to burn a resident’s house, moreover what KST burned was a house belonging to a priest/religious leader, where a religious figure should be someone who must be protected and respected. The burning certainly proves that KST is no longer afraid of the creator.

         Looking at KST’s track record in Papua, it seems appropriate to be called a separatist group, not an organization that wants independence for Papua. KST is not only against the authorities, they are also making the indigenous Papuan people uneasy.

         The traitor label can also be pinned on KST, because they have shown their voice to reject Indonesia. Traitors will continue to try to carry out rebellion by all means, including by means of violence, such as burning vehicles, destroying public facilities to raising the morning star flag which is the symbol of the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

         Mahfud MD as Coordinating Minister (Menko) Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said, enforcement of KST needs to be done, because the group has damaged harmony in the midst of societal peace. Even though security and peace in Papua will support the progress of Papua’s development.

         He emphasized that the government is committed to continuing to protect Papua so that it remains an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, both politically, constitutionally and in international law. The government also remains committed to developing Papua peacefully. Moreover, this has also been written in presidential instruction (Inpres) Number 9 of 2020.

         What has been done by KST seems to have only undermined the happiness of the Papuan people. The heinous actions of these armed gangs only hinder the development that is being promoted by the government. Development that aims to strengthen the Indonesia-centric vision, but KST’s depraved actions are like a parasite that hinders Papua’s progress.

         In January 2023, the residents of Oksibil Papua were forced to flee because they felt their safety was being threatened due to the burning of buildings and shootings carried out by KST in the city of Osibil. Approximately 58 people were evacuated to Jayapura, where some of them were children and pregnant women.

         Residents who fled were also facilitated by using CN aircraft owned by the Indonesian Air Force and Caravan Smart Air charter aircraft. The refugees have gathered at Oksibil Airport and asked the security forces to facilitate them to flee to Jayapura.

         This evacuation activity also illustrates how skilled KST is in posing threats to society. Even when the security forces came to the location, KST opened fire, causing three police personnel to be injured.

         KST is like a virus that destroys peace and a sense of security for Papuans. Its presence has made many things in Papua feel chaotic. Threats and destruction seemed to be their routine.

         So that there is no most appropriate choice other than taking firm action against KST in order to suppress their depraved actions and of course maintain peace and security in Papua. Because at any time, Papua is an integral part of Indonesia which must be protected from separatist groups who often spread threats.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bandung

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