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DPR RI Supports Security Forces to Eradicate KST Papua
By : Veronica Lokbere )*
The House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) fully supports the efforts made by the security forces to eradicate the existence of Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua in order to create conditions and a peaceful situation in Cenderawasih Earth.
The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) recently reported to have returned to action with a series of barbaric and completely inhumane acts of violence. They carried out an attack on the Marine Infantry Battalion (Satgas Yonif) 7 Task Force Post on Jalan Yahuli, Pradiso Bawah Km 6, Dekai District, Yahukimo, Papua Mountains.
As a result of the attack carried out by the Bumi Cenderawasih separatist group, Marine soldier Pratu Agung Pramudi Laksono (27) is known to have died after being shot by KST Papua. Responding to the case of an attack that killed security personnel, of course, many parties gave very strong criticism.
One of them came from Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Legislative Assembly (DPR RI) Ahmad Sahroni who said that the violent acts carried out by the treason group had indeed crossed the line and now could no longer be tolerated.
Therefore, he immediately emphasized that the security forces from the joint personnel consisting of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) can act as soon as possible in a very firm and harsh manner against the country’s rebels.
Of course, it is not without reason why firm and tough action must be taken immediately in handling cases and dealing with the Papuan separatist gangs. The reason is, for example, if they are not dealt with as quickly and decisively as possible, then the potential or risk will become even greater, that is, it is possible that the victims will continue to increase.
So it is very appropriate that KST Papua can be completely eradicated by the ranks of the security forces from the TNI and Polri so that it is no longer a threat to the disturbances to security and state stability that have continued to occur so far in the easternmost province of the country, which is increasingly worrying.
In addition, if it is not immediately crushed, then the longer the treason gang will also further reduce the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) itself.
In the same vein, Member of Commission I DPR RI Dave Akbarshah Fikarno Laksono thinks that the combat strategy and also the approach that has been carried out by the ranks of the security forces in Papua really needs to be reviewed. This is due to further accelerate efforts to restore a conducive and peaceful situation and condition on Earth of Cenderawasih.
Moreover, with the recent incident, which resulted in the death of a soldier from the TNI due to being shot and attacked by KST Papua, it is important that the legal status is further strengthened in order to pursue, arrest or take action against them.
Discussing the legal status that should be assigned by the security forces, in fact, there should be no accusations that the law enforcers of the security forces are accused of violating human rights (HAM0) if they carry out eradication of the terrorist group in Papua.
This of course aims to provide more firmness in their actions so that the separatist group does not continue to carry out their actions at will. What’s more, they are also a group that, in every action they take, does not think about how to save the lives of other people and their victims, so they should be eradicated as soon as possible.
It is very clear that the existence of the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) and the Free Papua Organization (OPM) is a very real form of resistance aimed at the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) because they are terrorist groups trying to destroy the existence of the Republic of Indonesia.
Because they really want to destroy the stability and security of the country, it is not surprising that KST Papua shot at the TNI soldiers because they did not agree with the construction of the TNI and Polri Task Force Post located in the Dekai District.
For information, there will indeed be construction of a special Task Force Post in Yahukimo in order to further safeguard and maintain state independence and strength to fight the agendas carried out by separatist gangs, including also to further secure the country’s border areas.
They are of course not at all happy with the efforts to gather the country’s strength, so they will continue to make every effort to prevent the country’s sovereignty from being maintained so that they too can continue to freely do as they please.
It is fitting that KST Papua should be completely eradicated and no longer tolerated. Very strict legal action must be given to them, who have been trying to undermine the state order so far that it has caused many fatalities.
)* Papuan students live in Yogyakarta