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Optimum Government Frees Pilot Susi Air from the Hands of KST Papua


By : Moses Waker )*

The government is truly optimal in making efforts to free Pilot Susi Air who is being held hostage by the Papua Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST). This optimization is carried out even with many steps and strategies, including establishing dialogues to negotiations with various related parties.

Recently, KST Papua led by Egianus Kogoya has continued to spread threats. The threats they carried out were not even just physical, namely various series of acts of cruelty and savagery by continuing to spread terror that haunted the people of the country, even including hampering development efforts that were intensified by the Government during the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). ).

The latest threat made by KST Papua led by Egianus Kogoya was to spread a video in the form of a threat to shoot Susi Air pilot, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens who they had taken hostage for more than 3 (three) months after they attacked and set fire to the plane when at the airport in Papua. It is known that the Susi Air pilot has been held hostage by KST Papua since February 7 2023.

Then, with the threatening video that the Papuan separatist and terrorist group would shoot Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, the Papua Regional Police (Polda) through Operation Damai Cartens immediately intervened to investigate the circulating threatening video.

Through a press release, the Head of Public Relations (Kabid Humas) of the Papua Regional Police, Chief Commissioner of Police (Kombes Pol), Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo emphasized that currently his party is immediately and responsively conducting an investigation regarding the existence of a video of the KST Papua threat to Captain Pilot Susi Air which they hostage.

It is also known that in the video which has been widely circulated in the community through social media on the internet, it seems quite clear that Susi Air Pilot, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens is mentioning that KST led by Egianus Kogoya will shoot at him and of course this action is very life threatening. , regardless of for example the circulation of the threatening video was just a mere bluff or it was intended to be like that, it is clear that the existence of the threat greatly affected Philip’s psychology.

KST Papua will immediately carry out the threat of shooting with demands that within the timeframe they have given, namely in the next 2 (two) months, there is absolutely no dialogue discussing the issue of Free Papua.

It is very clear that the desire of the separatist and terrorist groups is that they can become independent as soon as possible and be separated from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), which seriously threatens the stability and conduciveness of the country.

Meanwhile, the press release issued by the Papuan Police also explained that his party would continue to maximize negotiations to be able to immediately release the Susi Air pilot from the hands of KST Papua who had taken him hostage.

In fact, these negotiations were actually attempted with a very strong commitment that he would directly seek to negotiate with the leader of the separatist and terrorist group on Earth Cenderawasih, namely Egianus Kogoya so that he could immediately release Pilot Susi Air.

Not only talks or negotiations were carried out directly to the KST Papua leadership, in the effort to release Captain Pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, the Government of Indonesia also took part in collaborating with religious leaders such as the Church, which included the Council of Churches and Bishops, so that the efforts and commitment strong in terms of these negotiations can run much more optimally.

Currently, the Cartenz Peace Task Force itself is continuing to prepare various steps for law enforcement, including continuing to open negotiations and dialogue with anyone, including the local government (Pemda) in Nduga to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM).

The dialogue carried out by the security forces involving Komnas HAM is indeed a very important thing to do, the article is that so far the series of crimes committed by KST Papua have continued to contradict human rights values ​​and principles, in which their actions are utterly heinous. inhuman.

 The release of Pilot Susi Air, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens who was taken hostage by KST Papua, continues to be carried out by the Government of Indonesia very optimally, namely through various mechanisms and other strategic steps including inviting many parties to continue together and establish dialogue.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Makassar 

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