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Papua NKRI Part is Final


By: Sabby Kosay) *

The chaotic disintegration that was keenly echoed by the separatist group apparently made many people angry. Including Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu. Which also confirms that Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia for ever. So that no one can interfere with this provision lawsuit.

This is in line with President Jokowi’s statement, namely the government will maintain Papua so that it remains a safe and peaceful region within the frame of the Republic of Indonesia. So there is no gap or possibility for Papua to escape from the homeland, Indonesia. It also said that to ensure a conducive security situation in the Papua region a smart power approach was designed. This system is based on the universe in relation to the synergistic combination between building soff power and hard power.

On the Hard Power side there is TNI strength as a daunted effect, while soft power is indicated through efforts to defend the country and regional diplomacy and large countries. Ryamizard admitted that if he had asked the Foreign Minister to accelerate diplomacy with foreign countries, it was intended that there would be no other state support for an independent Papua.

He stated that the deployment of TNI personnel to Papua had fulfilled all the requirements, where in the region there were armed rebel groups who wanted to separate themselves from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

This armed rebel group is suspected of entering into the definition of a real threat to the country’s defense and security. That way, the TNI as a component of national defense in order to deal with this threat applies a universal defense system. Another indication states the question of those who want the TNI to leave the Earth of Paradise.

Ryamizard also quoted the statement of the fifth Indonesian President Megawati with the sound, a thousand times even local officials, governors, and regents in Papua were replaced, then Papua remained there, but once the TNI was revoked then Papua would be independent! This eventually became a reference to questions that wanted the TNI to return home immediately.
Back to Benny Wenda, those who were considered provocateurs and passionately echoed the disintegration of the Papua region. He is indicated as a left-leaning group in which acts of provocation and spreading false news.

The latest news states that the Directorate General of Immigration states that if the chairman of the Union for West Papua (ULMWP), Benny Wenda is not a citizen. However, it is not explained in detail when Benny is no longer a citizen.
The same thing was stated by the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security, Wiranto. Namely, Benny Wenda is no longer an Indonesian citizen, so an arrest will be made if he returns to Indonesia. This was conveyed because the legal process for citizens for whom asylum protection from other countries was not simple.

Wiranto also confirmed that if Benny carried out overseas activities, diplomacy measures that were regulated by international legislation were needed to arrest him. It is important to know that Benny Wenda has been named as one of the parties involved in the provocateurs who caused the riots in Papua last week.

Wiranto also emphasized that in his action Benny garnered support from the international community, as well as spreading various false news to foreign countries so that they believed in Benny’s opinion. Benny is suspected of intensively carrying out activities that provoke and belong to a hard-line front who wants Papua to be separated from Indonesia.

Benny who now lives in the UK is also aggressively seeking support in order to pass his efforts to deprive Papua of the Republic of Indonesia. However, these efforts failed because many parties, including the international community, recognized Indonesia’s sovereignty over Papua. Which has been proven through the results of the Act of 1969.

Although Benny’s business was considered a failure, it did not mean the struggle stopped here. As responsible citizens, we must protect our homeland from all kinds of threats. Especially with regard to the problem of the unity and integrity of Indonesia. Which is the most important part of the struggle.

Apart from all that, the evidence and facts that Papua has spoken of are an integral part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, official, legal and final in international law. Even legally and historically. So there should be no doubt about that statement. Moreover, opposing the results of the Act of Free Papua will mean against the United Nations.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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