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Steve Mara: KST Papua’s cruel actions against health workers are very detrimental actions


Papua – The Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KSTP) is increasingly disturbing. Acts of terror and cruelty continue to be carried out by KST Papua, resulting in the loss of life.

Even KST Papua also attacked health workers who were serving the community. This action is a very disgraceful action because it can harm many parties, especially the Papuan people.

This was conveyed by the Chair of the Melanesian Youth Diplomacy Forum, Steve Mara when interviewed by Matoa TV in Papua, Wednesday 15/11/2023.

“In recent times, I have seen an escalation of conflict in the mountainous areas of Papua, especially violence carried out by the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group against civilians in Puncak Jaya and also against health workers.” Steve said.

Steve Mara assessed that KST Papua’s action against health workers was a very detrimental action. Because these health workers are willing to come from far away to dedicate themselves to the Papuan people who need help.

“This is a very disgraceful act, for example yesterday’s violence against health workers. They came from deep into the interior to serve the community, but then they were tortured by the Separatist Terrorist Group. And actions like this are disgraceful actions.” Steve said.

With the attacks on health workers, it is feared that no more health workers will come because they are afraid. So this can affect public health services in the interior of Papua.

“I am worried that this will affect the health services provided by medical staff. For example, they no longer want to come to areas where there are lots of sick people, especially Papuans.” he said.

Apart from that, Steve Mara also invited all Papuan people to support the security forces in taking firm action against KST Papua so that peace and conduciveness in Papua continues to be maintained.

“I also invite the Papuan people to support the security forces, both the Police and the TNI, to take firm action to punish and also arrest the Armed Terrorist Separatist group so that they do not carry out any more actions in the land of Papua which harms many parties.” Steve continued.

Steve Mara also asked the Papuan people not to support KST Papua, and appealed to the Papuan people if they find out information regarding the existence of KST Papua, they are expected to report it to the security forces so that firm action will be taken immediately. Because this is a form of concern for peace and conduciveness in the land of Papua.

“I invite the public not to support terrorist groups, but to support the security forces to take firm action, and if the public finds out information regarding their whereabouts, I hope the public can inform the relevant parties so that they are immediately arrested and development in Papua can proceed well. and the Papuan people can be more peaceful and prosperous.” Steve said.

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