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Maluku As National Fish Barn Of Indonesia


fish-marketBy: Maya *)

Maluku – Indonesia as an archipelagic State ( archipelagic state ) in the world , consists of the ocean and small islands . Indonesia’s marine waters breadth is estimated at 5.8 million km2 , or about 2/3 of the territory of Indonesia with a coastline of 81,000 km , has the potential of fishery resources and marine abundant and diverse .

According to data released in 2004 , the potential for sustainable or maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ) contained fish resources in Indonesian waters an estimated 6.4 million tonnes / year by the number of allowable catch or total allowable catch ( TAC ) for 5.12 million tons / year or 80 % of MSY with Proceedings of the National Seminar : 240 The annual production of 4.7 million tons. This indicates that the level of marine fish resources utilization has reached 73 % of the MSY

Since attending Sail Banda in 2010, the Indonesian Government has expressed support for realizing the Moluccas as the National Fish Barn (Lumbung Ikan Nasiona/LIN ). Maluku has the potential to capture fish production amounted to 1.63 million tonnes per year , but it seems that has been used only 21 percent , or about 341.966 tons . This figure does not include the potential for fish farming production.

This condition would indicate marine resources in Maluku still need to be managed better for the welfare of the people . Maluku is one of the provinces with the form of islands in eastern Indonesia and consists of several islands .

Maluku province has a total land area of 712,479.65 square kilometers and 92.4 percent of the area is the sea area ( 658,294.69 sq km) . This geographical conditions into one powerful reason to accelerate the implementation of policies in the Moluccas LIN to immediately boost the local economy and the improvement of the national economy .

Now, after a very long process of struggle for four years , eventually will be LIN Maluku province next year . Said Assagaff Maluku Governor and the Minister of Marine and Fisheries ( MKP ) Sutardjo Cicip Sharif has also been signed manuscript of Understanding related to the implementation of LIN .

Maluku has the potential for very large marine resources and should be used so natural that Maluku is the granary of fish not only for eastern Indonesia , but also nationally . However, this heavy duty not only the responsibility of the of Ministry of Marine and Fisheries ( MMAF ) but also responsibilities across ministries , and privates .

The issue of transportation , electricity and supporting infrastructure must be addressed together . Not only across agencies at the central level but also at the provincial and district / city . Another constraint that should be of concern is the issue of the budget , especially the presence of the transition to a new government . Therefore, a joint program between the central and local governments should be compiled , and then set the location of the center of the barn fish in Maluku .

Moluccan three fishing ground , respectively Banda , Maluku , and Arafuru , brings blessing fishery products in Indonesia . Imagine, for more than 30 years , Maluku is a contributor shrimp , bottom fish , and tuna . Not only that , 50 percent of economical types of fish products in Indonesia , resulting from these waters . Because it is right in front of the Moluccas be LIN .

One thing that should never be forgotten that , in contrast to the conception of fish barn barns in general . Different fish barns means of warehouse fish ( cold storage ) . Fish barn is in- situ storage or warehouse (life storage ) . As barns life , must be ensured that the surplus production remained abandoned in the sea , so that the regeneration process occurs reproducing or sustainable .

*) The Author Is Maluku Regional Contributors

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