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Many Couples Did Divorce because of Zenith


By Choirul Fuadi

During 2016, there are some couples that propose for divorce in religion board of Pulang Pisau regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Average, the reason is because drug of G list, Zenith. Besides that, the couple’s age average who did divorce is around 20 till 25 years old.

From the divorce, the husband is user of Zenith. It make wife feel angry because their husband has addict to Zenith.

It is said by chief of religion minister office Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan, H Abdul Khalik. He states that the man from couple whom propose divorce, is not care and responsible for their family. The man does not want to work.

Meanwhile, Khalik said that there are some steps in propose for divorce. His party will do the best in order the couple cancel the divorce proposal. They will give advice in order the couple will reconcile and continue their family live.

Different with divorce cases in 2015, the number of divorce is quite high. There are 12 divorce couples. The main reason is about economic factor. The decrease of divorce caused by economic factor, he assumes that the economic level is going better.

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