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Never Hooked Religious Issues

Illustration: Binheka Tunggal Ika
Illustration: Binheka Tunggal Ika

By: Norman Triangga)*

The riots in Tanjung Balai, causing a four monasteries and temples burned, Friday (07/29/2016) night. The issue stems from a citizen complaint against the Chinese ethnic echoed “Azan” in Masjid Al Maksum near his home. Before the riots exploded, the residents came to complain nazir mosque. He was disturbed by Azan echoed the mosque. But in fact the incident has been resolved amicably and return home.

However, the problem arises when provocation happen in social media. Some say the mosque was pelted, priests were expelled, some say evening prayers stopped. The provocation was spread accompanied combustion appeal monastery. As a result, riots broke out so that the four monasteries and temples burned.

It is very ironic when small things could be riots provocation of not responsible elements for the name of religion. The diversity of ethnicity, race and religion in Indonesia in each region allows it to always be swiped. Pride symbol thrown in the mix and polished continue with the aura of hatred, so that gradually the seeds revenge on the raise.

It is not easy to straighten everything complicated amongst the people who have been indoctrinated. Local communities believe their religious beliefs as a foundation to benevolence. People who have trusted their beliefs can’t easily volatile and accept differences.

The shock of the future will be more real. The amount of interest to broke Indonesia, both in terms of the takeover of government in the concept of the caliphate to foreign countries threatened by the rise of the Indonesian economy, make our country like a volcano that continuously emit fumes and are ready to blow up nationally.

Instead of condemning the situation, blaming certain parties with various allusions, it better look deeper into that conflict in our country is actually being mapped.

Creation of favorable situation in the mounting diversity and differences piles scattered around the country, is certainly not an easy job and absolutely requires hard work and the role of various parties in every line of life.

The religion matters of the heart. Religion is to do with the Creator. All religions in Indonesia believe that God exists. Affairs in the past, let bygones be bygones. Monastery and temple which has burnt hope rebuilt. People who have experienced malice please reconciled back.

Besides that, we expect that socialmedia user be smart in dealing with news and provocation that does not necessarily generalize that the particular tribe, a certain religion or race. But it was a trick to divide us one nation, the nation of Indonesia.

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