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No Longer Free, Educational Allowable taking SPP


SPPBy: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Some areas begin enforcing a new policy that allows the school to re-attract contributions Contribution Development of Education (SPP). However, this policy only applies to the level of high school (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK).

The imposition of SPP is the impact of the takeover of management of SMA and SMK. Earlier, the management of SMA and SMK is authorized district / city government, now taken over by the provincial government.

Director General of Basic and Secondary Education Ministry of Education and Culture Hamid Muhammad straighten that school regulations for free or free of tuition fees only apply to different levels of Elementary School (SD) and High School (SMP) country. The policy applies nationwide. Meanwhile, if the tuition exemption for SMA and SMK that local policies. Because of the policy of the district government, then there are some schools exempting tuition fees for students, some are not.

Schools that provide free tuition to students could be because it already has the School Operational Assistance (BOS) is sufficient. However, there are also schools that BOS funds was not enough for the development of school activities, thus requiring another input of the SPP.

Hamid explained that the amount of fees to be paid will be determined by the Decree of the Governor. Magnitude SPP adjusted by the amount of BOS funds received by schools.

However, enforcement of this SPP back withdrawal, said Hamid, do not worry. Because the government will still give aid for students who cannot afford. As for students who are less able to obtain additional funds through Indonesia Smart Program (PIP) with the instrument Indonesia Smart Card (KIP)

With this new policy, the result of the withdrawal of SPP can be used among other things to cover the unit costs of education, finance programs or activities related to school improvement that is not budgeted, developing infrastructure in education, and to finance the operations of the school committee that conducted properly and accountable, So with the withdrawal of school fees can advance infrastructure suggestions for the promotion of education units respectively.

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