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Attending Pilkada Voting, the Community Plays an Important Role for Positive Regional Change


Jakarta — The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are an important momentum for the community to play a role in creating positive change at the regional level.

The voting not only determines local leaders, but also reflects the quality of Indonesian democracy.

Amidst the phenomenon of the white group (golput) which still often occurs, various parties have called for the importance of community participation in the democratic party.

Perludem Program Officer, Heroik M Pratama, explained that voting is a space for self-actualization as a responsible citizen.

According to him, the golput phenomenon is often caused by technical factors such as inaccurate voter data or individual choices not to vote.

However, Heroik emphasized that the golput attitude directly harms the community.

“Golput is irrelevant because the community is the one who is most disadvantaged. In the Pilkada, the people’s voice determines the future of the region. Do not let unused ballots be used for manipulation by certain parties,” said Heroik.

He added that exercising the right to vote is an essential form of democratic responsibility.

“This right to vote is a way for people to keep the promises of those who were elected while strengthening the legitimacy of democracy in Indonesia,” he said.

Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), also called on the public to exercise their right to vote.

HNW emphasized that Pancasila democracy provides a fair opportunity for the people to determine leaders who are capable of bringing change.

“Abstaining is not the solution. The right to vote is the sovereign right of the people guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution. Don’t abstain, let alone exchange this right for money or basic necessities,” he said.

HNW also reminded the importance of choosing leaders who love the country and are able to protect all groups.

“In the Pilkada, in addition to the quality of the candidates, the level of public participation is also an indicator of the success of this democratic party,” he added.

Meanwhile, member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, stated that abstaining would only worsen the condition of the nation.

He appealed to the public to welcome the 2024 Pilkada with full national spirit, without getting caught up in black campaigns or hate speech.

“The success of the Pilkada is not only from the victory of the candidates, but also from how this democratic party strengthens unity and togetherness as a nation,” said Bambang.

Active participation of the community in the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada will determine the quality of leadership at the regional level as well as a better future for regional development.

Using the right to vote is an important investment to realize positive change.

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