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Crowded Refusing Invitations to People Power


By: Nanik Gandarsih ) *

Ramadan has come with all the excitement, many people have become entrepreneurs and made a lot of profits by selling takjil and Lebaran clothes. This year, the war against lust is not only in the culinary domain, but also in the war not to be provoked by post-election incitement that never subsides.

The appeal was a form of distrust of the KPU’s performance and a form of rejection of the vote count in real count by the KPU.

Even though Ramadhan should not only be a month that requires Muslims to endure hunger and thirst alone, Ramadhan should also be a ukhuwah for Muslims to always knit unity in all differences.

In this case, the political elites should be role models for their sympathizers, in order to accept whatever results the KPU calculates in the 2019 Election.

The community should also hold the thumb to not share the invitation of the unconstitutional movement, and respect the KPU as the organizer of the election which has the authority to count the ballots.

PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir said that “Muhammadiyah believes we have a set of legislation and an election mechanism that has become a common corridor in contesting,” Haedar said.

It also requested that political elites not mobilize the masses to oppose the results of the 2019 Election. Instead of mobilizing the masses, he suggested various electoral disputes be resolved through legal channels.

The appeal of people power can also be categorized as contempt of court (contempt) against the Constitutional Court (MK) as a judicial institution because it is considered as denying the hard work of all components of the Constitutional Court to strengthen public trust in the Institute.

People power is also not a wise solution in democracy, like what happened in Egypt in January 2011, where Millions of Citizens took to the streets and were concentrated in the Tahrir Square, Cairo. The protesters insisted they would not go home until President Husni Mubarak wanted to leave his office after 30 years in power.

During the mass action, as many as 846 people were killed by repression of government security forces. Until finally, Husni Mubarak surrendered his power to the military delivered by Vice President Omar Suleiman on February 11, 2011.

In addition, in China the failure of people power also happened in 1989, at which time thousands of students took to the streets and were concentrated on Tianamen Square. They held a peaceful protest against economic instability and corruption in the Beijing government.

The movement then spread into a pro-democracy demonstration. But until what was aspired to by students never happened. China responded to the peaceful action which resulted in hundreds of thousands of people killed.

From the story, of course we already understand that people power is not a smart move, so the call for people power should have been rejected, because if there were allegations of fraud in the election, the government would have a constitutional path to report all alleged fraud.

People Power’s rejection also occurred in several regions in Indonesia, such as in Maros, South Sulawesi. Where a number of members and leaders of the Maros South Sulawesi DPRD have read out the declaration of the rejection of all forms of unconstitutional movements that delegitimize the 2019 Election.

Maros DPRD does not agree with the movement because it is an unconstitutional movement. It also appealed to the entire community to maintain the unity and integrity of the post-election NKRI.

A similar thing was also held in Banyuwangi, where the Banyuwangi Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) called for peace after the 2019 election. The community is also expected to be able to respect the stages of the election that are still running today.

According to Muhammad Yamin as chairman of the Banyuwangi FKUB, the appeal
and the call for people power that emerged after April 17 was something that was troubling. Moreover, these invitations and appeals appear during the month of Ramadan, which the public should be devoted to worship and hold back anger in fasting.

The Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) said that the People Power movement was a very dangerous mobilization of the interests of the nation and state.

His party also explained that the movement was just a kind of bluff from the parties – which politically had not been conveyed until now.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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