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Elected Leaders After 2024 Regional Elections Expected to Focus on Regional Economic Recovery


By: Diandra Pratiwi )*

The 2024 simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) bring great hope to the Indonesian people, especially in regional economic recovery. President Prabowo Subianto reminded the elected regional heads to focus on real work that has a direct impact on the people, not ceremonial activities that only waste the budget.

President Prabowo emphasized the importance of reducing non-essential activities such as seminars or non-urgent meetings and unnecessary expenses, such as official overseas trips that cost a large budget.
With this budget efficiency, the President hopes that the available funds can be allocated more for infrastructure development that truly supports people’s welfare, such as dams, irrigation, roads, and better educational facilities. This is what is expected to accelerate regional economic recovery and improve people’s quality of life.

Furthermore, President Prabowo also emphasized that this budget efficiency effort requires a big commitment from all elements of government, both at the central and regional levels. Good coordination between government agencies is the key to ensuring that the policy can run effectively and on target. In addition, regional leaders are also expected to have a clear vision in prioritizing the needs of the community.

Regional development must be driven by an innovative approach and based on local needs. Regional leaders must be able to optimize local economic potential, increase investment, and create more jobs, in order to improve people’s standard of living. This great responsibility requires regional heads to work hard and make economic recovery a top priority in their leadership.

At the same time, the regional economic sector is also in the spotlight of many parties. One figure who gave his views on this matter was Shinta Kamdani, Chairperson of the Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO), who assessed that the new leadership in Jakarta, in particular, would greatly determine Indonesia’s economic competitiveness in the future.

Jakarta has a strategic role in the national economy because it contributes around 17% of Indonesia’s GDP. Shinta hopes that Jakarta’s new leader can focus on increasing the city’s competitiveness, by overcoming classic problems such as traffic jams, high logistics costs, and providing better supporting facilities for business actors, including MSMEs.

Shinta also highlighted the importance of policies that support infrastructure development, such as public transportation and industrial areas, as well as investment-friendly policies. According to her, Jakarta must continue to develop its capacity as a regional and global business center.

In addition, the new leader must also have a more holistic vision, namely not only oriented towards physical development, but also improving the quality of life of the community. He hopes that with a better quality of life, Jakarta can become a more competitive, comfortable, and inclusive city.

Meanwhile, at the academic level, Suyitno, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Muhammadiyah University of Lamongan, reminded that the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are not just a change in political leadership, but are also directly related to the economic policies that will be implemented by the elected leaders.

Indonesia is currently facing various economic challenges, including high inflation, unstable prices of goods, and inequality between developed and underdeveloped regions. In this situation, the public is really hoping for leaders who can formulate policies to improve the regional economy and accelerate post-pandemic economic recovery.

Suyitno also emphasized the importance of policies that support the MSME sector, considering that this sector is one of the main pillars of the Indonesian economy, especially in the regions. MSMEs have great potential to create jobs and boost the local economy.

Therefore, the elected leaders are expected to be able to formulate policies that facilitate MSMEs in terms of financing, marketing, and access to training needed to develop their businesses. The elected leaders must also focus on policies that can strengthen other sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, and the creative industry, so that more job opportunities are created.

In Suyitno’s view, inclusive economic policies are very important. This means that the policy must cover various economic sectors and involve the participation of all levels of society. With this approach, regions that have unique natural or cultural potential can utilize their resources to increase competitiveness and attract investment.

Suyitno hopes that the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections will produce leaders who are able to overcome the economic inequality that still exists, as well as accelerate regional economic recovery in an effective and sustainable manner. The elected leaders are expected to not only focus on short-term political agendas, but also consider long-term economic sustainability to improve the quality of life of the community.

Overall, the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are expected to produce leaders who do not only focus on political or ceremonial interests, but who have a far-sighted vision in improving the economy of their regions.

With leaders who are sensitive to the needs of the community and focus on job creation, equitable infrastructure development, and development of economic sectors based on local potential, it is hoped that the Indonesian economy can become stronger and highly competitive at the global level.

)* contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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