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Government Debt Continues to Be Well Maintained, AHY’s Criticism Is Not In Accordance with Current Nation’s Conditions


By: Safira Tri Ningsih )*

It turns out that the condition of the debt owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia continues to be maintained very well, a lot of data shows that President Jokowi is indeed able to continue to maintain and protect the national economic sector. There is criticism from AHY that in fact all of this is completely inconsistent with the current condition of the nation.

Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu RI) for Strategic Communication, Yustinus Prastowo stated that in fact the current conditions experienced by the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) have still managed to continue to maintain and maintain their best conditions, especially in the financial sector.

How could it not be, the article is that the condition of the debt owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in the period 2015 to 2019 alone can be maintained very well, which can be seen and reflected very clearly through data on the maximum debt limit ratio which is at the figure of 30% (percent) of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which was recorded by the state.

So that, with very good safeguards regarding the debt ratio which continues to be maintained at a maximum of 30% (percent) of state revenue, then of course this is still a very reasonable safe limit, because of course the debt recommendation is in that number.

Furthermore, then Yustinus Prastowo added by showing the results of the data and how the graphics regarding the accumulation of fiscal deficits in the country in the period 2020 to 2021, which in fact these conditions only reached 10.7% (percent) when compared to how the income Gross Domestic Product (GDP) pocketed by the country.

Of course, the graphic data also shows that the achievement figures owned by Indonesia can even be said to be much better when compared to the acquisition of other neighboring countries such as Thailand which has an accumulated fiscal deficit of up to 17% (percent), then China at 11.8% (percent), Malaysia with 13.6% (percent), India which is at 16.5% (percent) and even the Philippines can reach 22.1% (percent) of its fiscal deficit.

Indeed, it is also undeniable that the condition of the debt owned by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has experienced an increase, but in fact this is indeed very much in line with the efforts and strong commitment of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who continues to carry out spending realization .

The reason is, it was not half-hearted, the amount of expenditure realized by the Head of State so that the national debt increased was also used as social protection during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world and also hit Indonesia.

With the actual amount of state spending, all of it was used by the Indonesian Government solely for the sake of being able to help the common people and communities in all corners of the country who at that time were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, namely by providing a lot of assistance in the form of protection. social to society.

On the other hand, the data also shows that the Government of Indonesia itself has tried very hard and as much as possible, with all the efforts that have been very optimal to be able to continue to suppress the budget deficit so that it is only worth 2.38% (percent) in 2022. , which actually is far below the actual target of the budget deficit figure.

For information, in 2022, the Government of Indonesia has planned the finances in the best way possible, that is, has a plan or design, that is, it will experience a maximum possible budget deficit of 840 trillion, but with all the maximum power and effort, in fact President Joko Widodo has succeeded. pushing it down to only 464.33 trillion, which is far from the initial planning for the worst possible scenario.

The Government of Indonesia clearly has many clear reasons and all of them are in accordance with the context of the need if they want to decide to take on debt. As it turns out, the economic cake in the country as well as productivity continues to improve. The debt ratio itself has been very well suppressed.

In other words, what exactly is the criticism conveyed by AHY which states that it seems as if the debt of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia continues to swell, all of it is indeed a criticism that is completely unfounded and even not in accordance with the latest condition of this nation, which is actually the debt ratio of the government in the era of President Jokowi’s leadership itself has been able to maintain it very well.

)* The author is Daris Pustaka Contributor

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