IPU Momentum Shows Indonesia’s Leadership on the Global Stage
By: Dwi Pangestu )*
Indonesia was selected to hold the 144th Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Bali. This trust shows Indonesia’s leadership on the global stage in overcoming various problems.
Jazuli Juwaini as a member of the DPR’s Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP), said that the IPU congress was an opportunity for Indonesia to take part in efforts to resolve various world crises. Jazuli explained that the various crises facing the world today are economic issues, the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, energy, equality and justice, to humanity.
As a representative of the people, Parliament must be able to play a strategic role in voicing the conscience of the world in order to create peace, justice and prosperity.
He said no less important issues were issues related to human rights and efforts to achieve world peace were also important discussions, apart from climate change which was the big theme of the 144th IPU.
On this occasion, the 144th IPU event in Nusa Dua Bali which will take place on 20-24 March 2022 will discuss the theme Getting to Zero: Mobilizing Parliament to Act on Climate Change. The issue of climate change is taken as a big theme to be discussed because it concerns the survival and safety of the world.
Previously, the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, had confirmed that as many as 115 countries would participate in the IPU event. A total of 1,000 participants will take part in the world parliament forum.
As the host, the DPR RI also helped prepare the implementation of the IPU as well as possible. Puan also said that the 144th IPU in Indonesia would be an event that could increase Indonesia’s existence in the eyes of the world.
By hosting the 144th IPU, the Indonesian Parliament is taking part in global leadership in resolving issues of mutual concern. Global problems must be solved together, and their solution requires global leadership.
The IPU Assembly also encourages the high participation of women in accordance with IPU’s commitment to promote gender equality. IPU also puts forward the principles of inclusive participation and empowerment. The success of the DPR in organizing this big event will also raise the name of Indonesia in the international arena.
Meanwhile, Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives Christina Aryani assessed that the implementation of the 144th IPU in Bali was a momentum for the Indonesian people to voice and encourage the realization of world peace.
He considered that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict had a broad impact on humanity because more than 2 million people were forced to flee, not to mention the loss of life that fell on both sides. So that the role of diplomacy needs to be carried out by Indonesia in the IPU session to encourage the realization of peace in the world, because parliament must be part of finding solutions.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Bureau and the International Organization of the Secretariat General of the Indonesian House of Representatives Endah Tjahjani Dwirini Retnoastuti explained that during the four days of implementing the IPU, he would be committed to implementing an agenda that favors nature or called the green agenda.
With the implementation of the green agenda, during the implementation of the IPU, the mobility of delegates from various countries will also be reduced which can produce carbon emissions, such as the use of buses. So that delegates will be encouraged to walk more.
Of course Indonesia’s leadership will be tested in the IPU event, Secretary General of the DPR RI Indra Iskandar said the number of participants who will attend is estimated at around 1,500 people. The last meeting in Madrid was attended by 1,200 people, consisting of 179 countries or parliamentarians and their delegates. Of course this is related to Indonesia’s ability to handle the delegates, especially in the implementation and health protocols, so they make sure the journey from their respective countries to Bali is not too complicated.
IPU is an international event that brings together members of parliament from various countries, of course, various diplomacy can be done, and Indonesia must be ready to show its ability to lead the event on the global stage.
)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute