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PB ESI Develops Indonesia’s Esport Potential Through the Indonesia Esport Summit


 lsisi.id editor Send an e-mail3 hours ago

71 minute read

Indonesia is again holding a prestigious Indonesian Esport event through the Indonesia Esport Summit (IES) 2022 festival. This event is one of the efforts of the Indonesian Esport Management (PB ESI) to develop the potential of domestic electronic sports.

Bagus Juliawan, Wira Harapan Badung Vocational School teacher, during a discussion with the media crew, said that the Indonesia Esports Summit 2022 which was held by PB ESI helped the world of education to understand more deeply about esports.

“The values ​​of esports are aligned with the values ​​of education. Besides being able to hone intelligence, in esports there are lessons related to discipline, leadership, to character,” said Bagus Juliawan.

This was agreed by Frengky Ong as the Secretary General of PB ESI who considered IES to be able to develop Indonesian esports.

“The high public interest in holding the Indonesia Esports Summit 2022 builds our optimism for accelerating the development of esports in the country. The concept of this event which carries the concept of Sports Tourism and Sportainment can be adopted by organizers of esports activities in the country so that esports activities are not only beneficial for increasing athlete performance, but also have socio-economic-cultural impacts for the entire ecosystem,” he said.

The excitement of Indonesian esport cannot be separated from the cold hands of PB ESI, which is currently led by Police General (P) Budi Gunawan. Since the beginning of his inauguration, the Ketum PB ESI has prepared a lot of strategic steps with full of optimism to be able to continue to bring progress in order to build the development of Indonesian esports

The development of Indonesian esports under the leadership of Budi Gunawan has developed very rapidly. This is evident from the victory of the Indonesian national team in the IESF world championship in Bali 2022.

Not only in terms of achievements, the Ketum PB ESI Budi Gunawan also continues to improve regulations, because this is considered to be the basic foundation for protecting all the rights and obligations of the Indonesian Esports world.

Related to this, PB ESI’s Head of Law and Legality, Yudistira Adipratama said that the existence of a regulation is indeed very important and very much needed by PB ESI to develop Indonesia’s esports potential.

“Regulations are needed by PB ESI as the main esports organization in Indonesia, not only as an effort to protect the rights and obligations of Indonesian esports athletes, but also cover other aspects such as employment contracts, leagues and tournaments, player membership, refereeing provisions, sponsors, anti- doping, and many more,” Yudistira said.


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