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Prabowo Gets Criticism for His Militaristic Leadership


by : Teguh Wibowo*

A series of critics came bombarding Prabowo. This criticism is the reflection of Indonesian public opinion which accuses Prabowo of being potentially a militaristic and repressive leader. This is feared by the community because it can harm the community. Therefore, citizen anxiety continues to grow ahead of the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election. Because the community is afraid. If Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno were registered as the presidential candidate pair, this repressive mileteristic leadership style would be used by him. The correlation for the workers if it really happens is a fairly serious threat.

As we know, militaristic and repressive methods are often used by the regime to threaten the community, especially workers who carry out various movements. This is closely related to the demonstrations held by workers to ask that Prabowo not be passed as vice president. As Maruli said, as coordinator of the LBH Prabowo action, he was asked not to pass because it was closely related to the militaristic leadership.

Apart from this, Prabowo’s leadership will also smell military. Because the number 2 presidential candidate is a military member dropout. Regarding the problem, Maruli was also worried that if Prabowo truly became President, the fate of workers would be neglected. In addition, Maruli also appealed to the community, especially workers, to be smart in choosing the president in the upcoming presidential election. Maruli wants the president to be able to respect freedom.

He also said, Prabowo Subianto is a leader who has the potential to threaten the future of freedom of association, assembly and organization. According to him, if Prabowo becomes president, let alone demand wages, the demonstration will certainly be banned.

With that opinion, then the community absorbed the same concerns as what the protesters had raped in the KPU’s office. A similar thing was felt by many parties besides laborers. They consider such leadership to be unethical and even unethical if implemented in Indonesia, which is in fact a Pancasila democracy. Where the state upholds the values ​​of the Pancasila and complies with existing laws. Automatically, Prabowo’s leadership style is very contrary to human rights which is glorified in our beloved country.

Some of the people who absorbed the problem then also linked Prabowo’s anger towards the press regarding the 212 reunion on December 2. His party, regretted that such an event must be quiet from media coverage. His anger is what shows Prabowo has a temperament character. The connection with the 212 action is actually not very close, if only this action did not carry its name. As suspected before this grand reunion was held, the aim was political. As it turned out, after Prabowo’s anger towards the press who were reluctant to cover this reunion it was even more evident that the action of the 212 reunion did indeed have a political goal.

Still about Prabowo’s anger, the community also considered that this presidential candidate wanted him to be considered to exist. For the journalists themselves, maybe the event that was held was no longer interesting as a topic. The reason, before the 212 grand reunion pickle has not been held alone has reaped various conflicts and controversies.

Regarding permits, for example, a few days before the event was held, the police had not yet given permission. In addition, many more controversies took place and were highlighted by various parties. So when the reunion was held, it was quiet with the news. It may assess that it is no longer necessary because it is quite controversial and quite a topic for several weeks.

The press that was targeted by Prabowo’s anger now felt cornered because of being blamed by Prabowo for covering the grand reunion event 212. Therefore, new conflicts grew between their relations. Prabowo was angry with the press, but he did not think about the effect of the length. That is, if the press turns angry, then all the programs it will hold will always be quiet from the media, because the press is reluctant to cover it.

So, the promised leadership of Prabowo actually worries the community. Starting from going to imitate President Soeharto in his leadership style, militaristic, authoritarian and so on, it becomes a dilemma for himself. Maybe, before saying it in front of the audience, he did not think long before, so it even caused public unrest if he chose to become the president of the Republic of Indonesia.

Following this problem, the workers were fighting for their fate so that they would still get freedom of opinion, protest salary increases, association and so on. Clearly, the leadership of Prabowo’s model which has been heralded before becoming a real president is very repressive and very crisp with authoritarian, militaristic, which is very uncomfortable for the people of Indonesia. Judged by the kep style society

Following this problem, the workers were fighting for their fate so that they would still get freedom of opinion, protest salary increases, association and so on. Clearly, the leadership of Prabowo’s model which has been heralded before becoming a real president is very repressive and very crisp with authoritarian, militaristic, which is very uncomfortable for the people of Indonesia. Judged by the community, the leadership style is not suitable to be applied in a democratic country.


*)  The author is an observer of political issue

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