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The Government is Making Maximum Efforts to Create Peaceful Elections Without Radical Content


By: Kristantyo Wisnubroto )*

In order to create a peaceful and conducive situation in this political year, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has terminated access or  taken down  174 accounts and internet content that were indicated to contain indoctrination activities and the spread of radicalism from July to August 2023. Moreover, The election stage is already underway, so the government is trying to anticipate all forms of threats and disturbances that could damage the conducive conduct of the 2024 elections.

Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, said that from the beginning of July 2023 until today, Kominfo has found a total of 174 accounts and content for indoctrination and the spread of radicalism. In accordance with President Jokowi’s direction to create a peaceful 2024 election, Kominfo immediately took  down access  to this content.

According to the Minister of Communication and Information, his party, in collaboration with the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the National Terrorism Handling Agency (BNPT), continues to monitor digital platforms that contain radicalism and terrorism content. Monitoring results from the two institutions show a significant increase in the spread of radicalism content. Based on a report from the Directorate of Informatics Application Control, Directorate General of Informatics Applications (Aptika) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, 174 accounts and content found during the month were spread across various   digital platforms . Most on  the Twitter platform  , namely 116 content, then 46 Facebook content, 11 Instagram content and 1 YouTube content.

Kominfo’s readiness to cut off access to radicalism and terrorism content is in accordance with Law number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Republic of Indonesia Law 11/2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. Budi also revealed that the Ministry of Communication and Information continues to search for content on websites or  platforms  using the AIS machine every two hours. Apart from that, the Ministry of Communication and Information is also collaborating with the TNI and BNPT to trace accounts that spread content of terrorism, radicalism and separatism.

The Minister of Communication and Information asked the public to avoid spreading content that is radicalism, terrorism and separatism. If you find the existence of a site like that, the public can report it to aduankonten.id or on the X application using the @aduankonten account managed by Kominfo. Efforts to prevent radicalism, terrorism and hoax content were taken by Kominfo to ensure productive and healthy elections for the Indonesian people. Of course, his party is working with many parties to discuss which ones are hoaxes and which ones contain radical narratives.

The Minister of Communication and Information is also committed to preparing coordination across ministries and institutions so that negative content does not destroy peace in the digital space ahead of the democratic party in 2024. The essence of holding elections is to unite the nation’s children and contribute to improving the quality of democracy. Therefore, the government invites the public to take part and play a role in maintaining a safe and healthy digital space by sharing positive content.

On the other hand, according to the Minister of Communication and Information, the public should not believe hoaxes and propaganda circulating on social media. Social media is deliberately used by radical groups, as a place to popularize both radicalism and intolerance. Radical groups understand that Indonesian netizens like to open social media every day. When you open a social media account, your brain is relaxed so it is easily influenced. Therefore, the public is advised to be careful on social media and not to easily believe content. 

There are currently unity-breaking challenges not only in real life but also in cyberspace. Looking at data from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) in 2020, it was found that there were more than twenty thousand pieces of content that were indicated as containing narratives of radicalism and terrorism. Daily Executive (PLH) Head of the Counter-Narrative Sub-Directorate of the Prevention Directorate of the Special Anti-Terror Detachment of the Republic of Indonesia Police (Densus 88), AKBP Mayndra Eka Wardhana said that digital media plays a role as a means of spreading narratives of radicalism, extremism and terrorism with various purposes. 

Starting from recruitment, propaganda, community breakdown, and support for terrorism. Indications of this influence can be identified through narratives which can be done by understanding the context of the narrative being distributed. Mayndra also said that the public must be smart in analyzing whether the content being distributed has the potential to be destructive and lead to an invitation to set aside Pancasila and violate the laws in force in Indonesia. Exposure and impact of the spread of narratives of radicalism, extremism and terrorism in the digital realm can be suppressed.

Looking at data from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) in 2020, it was found that 20,543 pieces of content were indicated as containing narratives of radicalism and terrorism. So, it would be better for people to reduce exposure, educate themselves, promote an understanding of moderation and dialogue, be wise in using social media, including maintaining privacy, filtering before sharing, and cross-checking the veracity of content.

In order to continue to be able to maintain the condition of social security and the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, this is not only a duty and responsibility carried out by the government, but should also be the duty and responsibility of all components of society, including youth and students. Therefore, all parties are required to always be alert and intelligent in responding to problems, be more attentive and detect early if there are things that are considered to be able to disrupt the course of the 2024 election process.

)* The author is from the editorial team of Indonesia jr.

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