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The Important Role of Security Forces for Conducive Regional Elections in Papua


By: Isak Kogoya)*
The Papua Pilkada is an important moment in Indonesia’s democratic journey. The regional head election process (Pilkada) is not only about electing a leader, but also an effort to strengthen political and social stability in regions that have special challenges. Therefore, the success of the Pilkada in Papua is highly dependent on various factors, one of which is the role of security forces in maintaining conduciveness during the election process.

One of the main tasks of the security forces in the Pilkada is to maintain regional stability so that there are no riots that can disrupt the implementation of the election. The presence of officers in the field serves to provide a sense of security to the community who will exercise their right to vote. Without their sufficient presence, the community may feel threatened or reluctant to participate in the democratic process.

The West Papua Police held supervision and assistance activities in Teminabuan, demonstrating its commitment to creating a safe and peaceful atmosphere ahead of the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). This activity is not just a form of institutional obligation, but also a strategic step to ensure that the Pilkada can run without disruption and peacefully. Head of Renmin Sub-Division, Ops Bureau, West Papua Police, AKP Sawal Halim said that it is very important for the Police to remain neutral and focus on security. This is a very crucial affirmation to maintain the integrity and public trust in law enforcement agencies in the democratic process.

The importance of this effort cannot be underestimated. Regional elections are moments that often bring political tension, especially in areas where people have strong emotional ties to the candidates they support. The message conveyed by AKP Sawal Halim, Head of the Renmin Sub-Division of the West Papua Police Operations Bureau, about the importance of maintaining the neutrality of the Police and upholding unity is very relevant. The neutrality of security forces in the election process is vital to ensure that regional elections can run fairly and free from interference from competing parties.

In addition, security forces also play a role in preventing intimidation or violence that can damage the integrity of the Pilkada. Cases of violence that often arise before or during the general election in Papua, especially those involving certain groups or irresponsible individuals, must be watched out for. Here, the role of security forces to act firmly but proportionally is very important so that the potential for clashes can be minimized.

Deputy Chief of the Papua Regional Police (Wakapolda) Brigadier General Pol Dr. Faizal Ramadhani said that Operation Mantap Praja Cartens showed the Police’s serious commitment to ensuring that the 2024 Pilkada in Papua runs safely and orderly. In his remarks, the Deputy Chief of Police emphasized the importance of coordination and synergy between various agencies and all elements of society to maintain security, considering the potential for disturbances that could arise at various stages of the Pilkada, from the campaign period to voting day.

As a region with complex geographical and social challenges, Papua often faces the risk of political tension that can disrupt order. In this context, the Deputy Chief of Police’s emphasis on the readiness and vigilance of all parties involved, including security forces, local governments, and the community, is very relevant. Security is not the sole responsibility of the Police, but is a collective task that requires active participation from all elements of society. In this case, Operation Mantap Praja Cartens is not just an operation carried out by the police, but rather a cross-sector collaboration involving many parties, from security forces to community leaders.

Another challenge faced by security forces is the spread of false information or hoaxes that can trigger public unrest. Hoaxes related to regional head candidates, identity politics, or other sensitive issues can often damage public trust in the election process.

More broadly, security forces in Papua must also be able to work together with various parties, including local governments, election monitoring institutions, and civil society, to create conditions that support the implementation of fair and transparent regional elections.

Merauke Police Chief AKBP Leonardo Yoga explained that the 1,364 personnel consisted of 380 members of the Merauke Police, 100 Brimob personnel, 808 Linmas personnel and 76 TNI members. Although the security situation in the Merauke area is monitored as conducive, Merauke Police Chief, AKBP Leonardo Yoga, continues to remind all his members to always increase their vigilance and readiness.

The importance of synergy between security forces and the community is also reflected in the efforts of the Merauke Police to ensure that voters feel safe when exercising their right to vote. The Pilkada process must be free from fear and intimidation, where every voter must be able to channel their choice without obstacles. The community is expected not only to be passive, but also to actively protect their environment, avoid information that can trigger division, and remind each other of the importance of maintaining harmony.

The success of a conducive regional election in Papua does not only depend on the organizers, but also on the ability of the security forces to keep the situation under control. By maintaining stability, preventing potential violence, and handling sensitive issues wisely, the security forces play a major role in ensuring that the regional election process runs smoothly and produces legitimate leaders who are accepted by the community.
)* the author is a Researcher of Papuan Culture and Traditions – Sentra Warisan Budaya Papua Institute

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