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Student appreciation of the existence of AMN as a means of uniting the children of the nation


by: Elsye Tendean

The students gave a very high appreciation to the presence of the Nusantara Student Hall. (AMN). The facility initiated by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) is believed to provide not only shelter, but also means of communication and unification for young people from various backgrounds.

The Government of RI through the initiative of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) has been able to create a means of uniting all generations of nations from various backgrounds so that they can know each other and learn to grow together with each other.

Therefore, because of the great impact of the benefits of the presence of the Student House of Nusantara (AMN), the high-level students give appreciation and also very enthusiastic when following and welcoming the existence of the program by the Government of RI, which to this day is still running, namely in Manado.

After previously successful standing majestic and bringing a variety of positive benefits to the society, especially the young people in the city of Pahlawan Surabaya, then the Government of RI through the leadership of the General Police (Purn) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan continued to multiply the means of unification to various locations spread in the country, such as in Manado, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Jakarta to Malang.

The existence of the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) is a facility for bringing together all high-level students from different ethnic groups, languages, cultures and religions.

All of them, all of the students come from different regions of Indonesia and are multi-colleges. The beginning of the existence of AMN, is due to the concrete response of President Jokowi to the aspirations of as many as 50 Papuan figures at the meeting on September 10 at the State Palace.

At that time, these Papuan figures conveyed to the Head of State that the idea of building the Nusantara Student’s Home could clearly serve as a candradimface for the young generation that is multicultural as in Indonesia by giving birth to the nature of those who love NKRI and are highly competitive even in various fields.

In response to that request, the President of the Republic of India directly assigned BIN to be a catalyst in order to realize the construction of AMN in a number of cities in the country.

Director General (Director) of the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR), Diana Kusumastuti said that in the AMN also the students who live in it will get a lot of forms of construction from BIN through a variety of positive activities with the aim of improving their competence and understanding of national insights, citizenship, student character Pancasila, state martial arts, entrepreneurship, leadership to pioneering.

Thus, it is very clear that the Nusantara Student Hall is not only a residence for scholars, but also serves as a container of various kinds of construction activities that the State Intelligence Agency carries out.

Meanwhile, according to RI President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), that Indonesia has more than 700 tribes that are entirely different from each other. It means that diversity is the strength and not the weakness of the land.

If the whole party is able to always be compact, united and united, then it is not impossible for Indonesia to become a very advanced country in the future.

The government-funded AMN building and its management is under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) together with the State Intelligence Agency. (BIN).

Discussing the construction that BIN is conducting in the Nusantara Student Hall is a very effective effort in realizing care for the values of integrity in Indonesia, especially to the young generation of the nation.

After its construction in Surabaya, and then now AMN is in the process of building again in Manado, the building as well as the program will be a container for building the enthusiasm of students from various regions including those who are studying around there.

Because of the abundance of these benefits, students from a wide variety of backgrounds in the region, including various tribes, religions, races, cultures and diverse cultures in Indonesia are able to get a lot of opportunities to access the form of facilities of AMN.

The existence of such programmes is not surprising to continue to gain high appreciation from many parties, because as a manifestation of the real commitment of the Government of RI through BIN and other agencies in printing the superior generation.

The AMN has great benefits for young people, with the variety of facilities and access that the building provides, is indeed an effort and a strong commitment of the government.

Vice Rector I of the Academic Field of Sam Ratulangi (Unsrat) University of Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo Soleman Gerung gave the very full support and appreciated the high realization of the Student House of Nusantara (AMN).

As a means of uniting the entire young generation of the nation’s successors, it has made many parties including students to academics of the university give high appreciation and very enthusiastic with the existence of AMN. Of course, it needs to gain the support of the wider public so that AMN can print the cadres of the best leader of successor nation.

*) Student of Islamic Economy and Business Institute of State Islamic Religion (IAIN) Manado

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