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Terror will not make KPK Stated


By: Moch. Irfandi)*

The incident of watering hard water to one of the KPK senior investigator, Novel Baswedan, was not the first terror received by the KPK. Other KPK investigators have also been terrorized in various ways.

“Those who have been received such as terror via phone are threatened to be killed, terror via sms, car tires pierced, terror threats of homemade bombs, home visited and threatened directly, supported, criminalized through other law enforcement officers,” said an investigator to Antara.

Terror threat bomb assembly that was not the bomb was also received by KPK Afif investigator Julian Miftah who had sent the goods allegedly bomb July two years ago. Before that Afif was also terrorized by the way the car tire parked in front of his house was buoyed, and a splash of hard water into his car.

While the threat of “support” is the presence of people who are considered shamans surrounding the KPK building while carrying incense and reciting mantras, although not affecting the investigators or KPK investigators at that time.

KPK investigators have actually been trained to detect people who may follow their movements.

“If there are such threats the most common thing is to evacuate the temporary family and report to the superior,” added the investigator.

So that terror will not have long impact on handling cases.

“The impact on the case is yes, but only temporary, except as the case of lizards vs. crocodiles, so massive that KPK is hampered and need government assistance to mediate,” said the investigator.

Investigators and KPK investigators are always warned to be vigilant and do not put their lives at risk. When conditions are less secure, it is better to temporarily retreat to strategize again.

Not saggy

With practice and strategy, the KPK is determined not to loosen its corruption even though it has been repeatedly terrorized.

“We will ensure that the KPK will not recede and will not be affected by this terror,” said KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo on Tuesday (11/4), “All leaders and employees of KPK will continue to fight corruption by continuing the handling of cases being handled, .

If the purpose of terror is related to the handling of cases, according to Agus, terror is wrong target.

“We are the responsible leaders of all measures and efforts to handle cases and corruption eradication by KPK Novel, as well as other investigators working on our orders and we are taking over and ready for all risks,” said Agus.

The KPK leadership has also evaluated, mitigated and ensured efforts to improve the safety of KPK employees, not only employees who are vulnerable to terror and targeted by threatened parties, but also proportionately to the safety of all personnel.

“We have coordinated with the Police and asked to investigate and process the perpetrators of terror.KPK invites all elements of society to jointly fight against various forms of terror and efforts to accompany the eradication of corruption Thanks to all elements of society who have supported and pray for Novel Baswedan, “Said Agus.

The community must be involved in combating corruption, including providing mental support to KPK investigators and investigators, as did some journalists who used to cover the KPK on Wednesday.

They held a prayer together while carrying a number of posters marked Usut thoroughly Perpetrator and Daler Peneror Novel, For KPK We Are, Keep Praying, Family Stout, Recover Bang Novel, KPK Leaders Continue to Protect All KPK Employees. These are all symbols of popular support for law enforcement agencies.

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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