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Boko Haram Allegiance with Islamic State Has Accepted

Boko Haram Allegiance with Islamic State Has Accepted
Boko Haram Allegiance with Islamic State Has Accepted

By : Agus *)

An audio message released in the name of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to accepts a pledge of allegiance from Nigerian Islamists Boko Haram as known who killed over 10,000 people in the country last year and kidnapped hundreds during a six year campaign to carve out an Islamist State in Northern of Nigeria.

The audio message entitled ‘kill and be killed’ has released through the militants’ vast social media channels was allegedly read by an ISIS spokesperson.

In the audio message, Adnani calls on Muslims entire world to enter combat in Africa instead of joining Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, he emphasize that Boko Haram’s pledge had opened a “new door for you to migrate to the land of Islam and fight.”

“We are calling you up for jihadis, go.”

“Our caliph, God save him, has accepted the pledge of loyalty of our brothers of Boko Haram so we congratulate Muslims and our jihadi brothers in West Africa,” Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani spoken in an audio message, according to his group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

As known, Islamic State, an ultra-hardline offshoot of al Qaeda, it is declared a caliphate in captured territory in Iraq and Syria. This radical group also killing or kidnapping members of ethnic and religious minorities at once to posting videos of its members while beheading hostages.

*) Author Is Brunei Darussalam’s Contributor

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