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The Community Supports the Deradicalization Program


By: Nuning Edelwisa ) *

Deradicalization is a program to fight terrorism, of course without violence. This program was launched by the government for a long time and strengthened in 2007, and supported by parliament. We are obliged to support this program because it has a good purpose, to stop terrorism and bring peace in Indonesia.

The deradicalization program organized by the National Counterterrorism Agency is a way to restore loyalty to the state. This program is given to terrorist inmates and their families, who have been brainwashed into becoming radicals. It is hoped that by following them, they will come to understand that radicalism is wrong and in fact endanger many people.

Deradicalization can also be carried out not only to terrorist prisoners, but also the general public. The goal is that they are not easily influenced by misleading radicalism. There are several ways in which to carry out deradicalisation. Among other things, the ceremony of flags was held in schools and institutions, not only on Monday but also on national holidays.

In addition, de-radicalization can also be carried out by conducting rigorous selection when there are recruitment of prospective civil servants, BUMN employees, as well as prospective members of the police and military. They are not only examined physically, mentally, and intellectually. But also examined how his views on radicalism and terrorism. Do not let when it has been accepted, it turns out he is an sympathizer of radical associations. This test is very important because as a servant of the country must be true to Indonesia.

In addition to tests on prospective civil servants and officials, this kind of test can also be conducted on prospective recipients of state-sponsored college scholarships. By means of oral examinations and also viewed from his social media accounts. Is he pro-government or even a member of a radical organization that likes to curse officials and presidents.

Why does there have to be de-radicalization until a rigorous test was held to become a state servant or scholarship recipient? Because radicalism is increasingly spread in Indonesia, both in the real world and in cyberspace. Not only in big cities, but even in remote villages. In places that are not reached by the signal can instead be used as a base of terrorists because it is far from the reach of the authorities.

Radicalism must be eradicated by the de-radicalization program, because it proves to be very dangerous. They did everything they could by bombing public places. Radicals are also determined to resort to violence, such as daring to attack a police station. Terror is spread and many people get scared when in public places.

In addition to spreading fear, radicals also influence the minds of many people by making hoax news. They also sow the seeds of intolerance and even regard those who do not support their understanding as the wicked. Whereas in a democratic country, it is only natural that there are differences of opinion as long as there is no dispute to maintain it.

The de-radicalization program must be carried out to overcome the influence of these radicals. So young people are aware that their actions are wrong, because it is okay to give input to the government, but that does not mean that all policies are wrong. Do not want to be carried away by the sweet sentences of radical associations, that if you become a follower they will automatically enter heaven.

To support the de-radicalization program for radical prisoners, the government is attracting a former terrorist named Umar Patek. He has declared to quit the group of terrorists. His status as a former commander in a radical group, made him respected by the prisoners. The prisoners finally did not want to join the terrorist group anymore and declared themselves to be loyal to the country.

Deradicalization programs are very important to dispel the influence of terrorists. They launch their actions in the real world and cyberspace, and recruit young people whose minds are still innocent. In addition, this program is also carried out by terrorist inmates to return loyal to the Republic of Indonesia.

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