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The Building of the Provincial Government Central Kalimantan is Fire

The provincial government building on fire
The provincial government building on fire

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – After fire land and forest occurred in the region of Central Kalimantan which made air condition in Palangka Raya yellowing with the air index level is very dangerous.

Then Building of the Provincial Government Central Kalimantan also is fire. It happened on Sunday (1/11/2015). A burning building is the building of the Bureau of finance and economy.

Monday (2/11/2015), CIVIL SERVANTS came to the Office as usual, but they can only be resigned to see the condition of their Office living debris after a fire.

Fire fighters are working hard to put out the fire that burned the building of the provincial government of Central Kalimantan.

After the fire totally extinguished, team of Inafis and Puslabfor Police of Kalteng entry to the location of the fire do the investigation to uncover the cause of the fire.

“The beginning point of the fire from upstairs, not in downstairs, this is the result of our expert team of investigation,” said AKBP Jukiman Situmorang, Chief of Police Palangkaraya.

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