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The issue of Synthetic Rice in Central Kalimantan

Synthetic rice illustration

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Recently, the province of Central Kalimantan has been hit by the issue of the circulation of synthetic rice in a number of areas in Central Kalimantan. The circulation of the synthetic rice issue makes people restless.

It is getting serious attention from Polda Kalteng. Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) and directly lowered his informants to conduct field investigations related to synthetic rice distribution.

The Director of Police of Central Kalimantan Pol Kombes Ig Agung Prasetyoko said, related to the report of circulation of synthetic rice or mixed with chemicals, it cooperates with Badan POM Palangka Raya, has conducted an investigation.

From the results of the investigation, the police have not found a case. “The results of the investigation, has not found (the existence of synthetic rice) in Central Kalimantan,” he said, as quoted kalteng.prokal.

Nevertheless, as a law enforcement apparatus it appealed to the public can provide information if there are acts of food use and housing that can lead to price spikes.

“Informants have also been placed to get information related to it so that later can be prevented the price,” he added.

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