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The Young Generation Plays an Important Role in Countering Radicalism


By: Zainudin Zidane)*

The younger generation has an important role in countering radicalism. These important roles include being involved in spreading the narrative of Indonesia’s peace and diversity on various social media platforms.

Radical understanding is indeed targeting young people, radical groups seem to know the gaps of young people who feel restless with the situation and then come to offer solutions with ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila. So it is important for the younger generation to have a “shield” against radicalism.

Radicalism is a doctrine or practice applied by adherents of radicalism or extreme understanding. Radicalism can also be interpreted as a movement that seeks to change the total social order in society.

In countering radicalism, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) implements a counter-radicalization and deradicalization strategy. The target of the counter-radicalization strategy is the general public, students and community leaders with the aim of adding Indonesian values ​​and peace values. Meanwhile, the targets of the deradicalization strategy are radical groups and sympathizers, aiming to stop violence and acts of terror.

Meanwhile, the Special Staff of the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) Antonius Benny Susetyo said that the government must fully embrace young people in an effort to fight radical ideas and actions. If all young people can understand and interpret the spirit and values ​​of diversity and unity, he believes, radical groups will not be able to move freely.

Through his official statement, Benny said, in fighting intolerance and radicalism, young people are the breakers of the chain. Without the support of the youth, they will not be able to walk. In a digital era like now, the younger generation certainly plays an important role. They are people who really understand technology. If it is used by radical groups of course it will be very dangerous. Therefore, the government must have a program that can maximize the role of young people in social life.

Benny explained that there should be no youth who feel alone until they are finally affected, exposed to radical ideas. It all started with loneliness, solitude, disappointment.

Radical ideas can be spread by influencing the thoughts of others. Especially if the person is narrow-minded and easy to believe in those who are considered to have brought change into his life. In fact, the party spreads an understanding that is contrary to the ideology of the country.

Psychological factors also have an impact on the vulnerability of young people to be exposed to radical ideas. The attitude to be radical sometimes grows and develops in someone who has various problems, hatred, and revenge. So it has the potential to become radical and easily influenced by others. We must also be vigilant, because radicalism can appear in various places, including educational facilities. The ideology of radicalism can easily be inserted into teaching.

Previously, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has warned about the threat and danger of radicalism in educational institutions. The Head of State reminded campus leaders to be active in supervising all student activities so that they are not exposed to radical ideas.

We all must be aware that religion does not aim to hate fellow human beings who have different understandings, instead in learning religion it must be able to strengthen peace among God’s creatures. Studying Religion does not mean making someone think Pancasila is a tagut, or making him anti-singing the anthem Indonesia Raya.

Strengthening national values ​​must be instilled in both schools and universities. Do not let educational institutions that give birth to intellectuals are then fed with radical ideas that can undermine diversity.

Spokesman for the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Wawan Hari Putranto said that the younger generation tends to be less aware of the content of information that is spread on social media. The threat of the entry of radicalism, which is heavily influenced by patterns such as ISIS, is of course a common trigger to prevent the spread of radicalism from an early age.

Social media such as Telegram, Facebook and Twitter are used by radical groups or terrorists to spread their ideology. Usually they start by creating a narrative of unrest against the government.

Young people who are entering the phase of searching for identity are likely to be easily immersed in narratives that lead to radical doctrines that undermine national values. Such as assuming that Pancasila is a tagut, inviting people to hate democracy and, worst of all, recruiting the younger generation to join the war under the pretext of jihad in the name of religion.

)* The author is a contributor to the Pertiwi Institute

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