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This Orangutan Eats Rice not Fruit, Why?

An Orangutan prefers eats rice and ketchup, and rejects to eat fruits.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS, Central Kalimantan – A female Orangutan 2 years old evacuated in Security Pos BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Board) Pangkalan Bun (8/2/2017), it is a kind of many protected animal and has different and unique on food consumption. This orangutan prefers eats rice and ketchup than fruit.

It is because the orangutan when she is not in her habitat or keeps by human, she is seldom eats fruit or human feed them by rice. And then, it becomes a habit.

Chief of Pos BKSDA Sampit, Muhriansyah states that Orangutan does not eat fruit, is not for the first time. Before it, the party ever find orangutan prefer to drink soda, such sprite.

Regarding to orangutan consumption schedule, he added, it takes around 6 months for changes their habit to eats the fruit constantly.

“During rehabilitation period, orangutan will feed by fruit and portion of tasted food (rice or others) is decreased. After rehabilitation period, they will release in the forest,” said Muhriansyah.

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