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Trail Club Kotawaringin Barat Police Crossed in New Road to Sabuai Beach

Trail Club Polres Kobar
Trail Club Polres Kobar

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The new alternative road to the Sabuai beach is sandy and land. This is the new alternative road the Sabuai shortcut is only 35 Km on appeal with the usual road , through Pasir Panjang, Kuhu, Teluk Bugam, Keraya and then Sabuai by the distance is about 80 Km .

About 20 trail motorcycles club of kotawaringin Barat police crossed along this route. As quote in borneo news.co.id, the bikers, sunday (29/02/2016) that day, told the route they travelled.  From the Pangkalan Bun, they crossed Sand trails leading to Kumpai batu Atas, then through the road of protected forest and went into the production forest area headed to area Sabuai, i.e. Sabuai Coast overlooking the Java Sea.
Alternatively route will be the main route to the beach tourism Sabuai and coastal tourism that lies in the area of Bugam Raya, namely Keraya Beach, Teluk Bugam, Sungai Umbang and Kubu Beach.
In addition, the route will be the main route when the new airport is already built. That is the new airport which is located in Sabuai district, replacing the present Iskandar Airport.  (*)

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